Friday, February 27, 2015

US. New rules to ensure “net neutrality” – Ouest-France

The US telecoms regulator (Federal Communications Commission, FCC) adopted on Thursday a new law aimed at preventing the emergence of a “two-speed internet” , favoring certain online services.

By three votes against two, the commissioners of the FCC adopted this regulation which prohibits the internet service providers (ISPs) to slow or block some legal content or online services, or to provide a faster connection to some fee.

The unframed prices

With this vote, the controller is attempting to ensure the “neutrality” of the Internet, a controversial principle (particularly in the US), which is based on a equal access to the web for all. Clearly, the new regulations hoisted access to high speed internet (fixed or mobile) to the status of public utility, just like water or electricity. Therefore, the FCC is given the right to monitor the practices of service providers, based on a telecoms law of 1934.

“Internet is the ultimate tool freedom of expression “ and ” is too important to allow broadband providers to set the rules “, said Tom Wheeler, chairman of the FCC before the vote Thursday. Tom Wheeler promised to not use all the provisions of this law, including ensuring that the FCC would not attempt to regulate the rates charged.

“free and open Internet”

Favorable project, US President Barack Obama welcomed the FCC decision, saying it “protect innovation and create a level playing field for all for the next generation of entrepreneurs strong>».

L’opposition that could attempt to use its majority in Congress to overturn the new rules, has she accused the FCC to have bowed to pressure from the White House after a plea of ​​Barack Obama in November for a “free and open internet” .

To judicial remedies

On the supply side access, like AT & T, Verizon or Comcast, voices were raised against the use of the old law. In a statement, Verizon considers that “would increase internet broadband services with ancient evil and regulations designed to steam locomotive era and telegraph” .

The American group criticizes the regulator will “change the way the internet works since its inception” , specifying that it is the lack of regulation in recent years which has enabled investments that led to deployment of broadband networks.

Many of them have threatened to launch legal proceedings and that, while there was an a, regulating the FCC had already been canceled by the court following the use of the operator Verizon.


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