Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Twitter saw after failure of 2:00 – The Point

Twitter walk again after two hours of failure. A little disappointed robot appeared in place of the traditional messages of 140 characters of Twitter platform in Tuesday, January 19. For nearly two hours, the entire global network of this microblogging website, visited each month by more than 360 million people, has failed. Like its mobile application Tweetdeck allows to access and manage multiple accounts at once.

A message indicating that a “technical error (was) occurred”. No RSS does put out of date. The 3900 Group employees have long minutes before understanding the cause of this failure. According to The Guardian, she would be linked to a “service interruption” of four of its five programming interfaces (Application Programming Interface or API in English).

These applications that provide “a gateway to functionality by hiding the details of the implementation “are crucial (and vital) a site like Twitter. They would be even more vulnerable than the site experiencing exponential growth each month. A previous World outage, which occurred in 2008 during an Apple press conference in San Francisco had already done much about her.

The share price traded Twitter which plunged Monday after malfunctions, is carefully scrutinized today.


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