Sunday, May 8, 2016

Airbus wants to clean the Earth orbit of space junk – France Soir

The objective is bold. The Airbus subsidiary defense is going to lead a European project to deorbit obsolete satellites to remove debris from satellites, running around for now orbiting the earth, to an “orbital parking lot “where the risk of collision is almost zero.

the space agencies have placed hundreds of satellites in orbit since the beginning of the space race, but many of them had a limited life and they therefore become totally uncontrollable.

Airbus, at the head of a consortium of 10 companies, is responsible for the project, dubbed “Teser” for Technology for Self-Removal of Spacecraft. The purpose of this program is to place the satellites from a “ Parking orbit ” beyond 36,000 km altitude, in order to leave space for yet functional satellites and avoid a collision which would have consequences on Earth.

This will be an ultra-reliable and low cost project ,” said Airbus. Another solution has however been raised: drive down obsolete satellites so that they disintegrate when entering atmosphere and disappear

Airbus said its aerospace industry “ will complete. the project from its own funds and has also signed a grant agreement (the Horizon research and innovation program 2020 of the European Union) that will allow the Teser program receive support over 2.8 million EUR 2018 . “

the Japanese space agency as it is interested in this issue and is thus developing a spaceship capable of picking up debris and rockets satellites, a ship would then disintegrate when entering the atmosphere.


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