Gossip is a new application that is all the rage especially among young people, and more in the playground. Gossip comes from the word “gossip” in English and is based on the hit series Gossip Girl 2010s, stopped since it allows to anonymously post information on his friends, but above all to launch rumors. It was closed April 29, 2015 because its creator, David Byttow, disagreed with malicious use made of people. But the debate is not over.
Gossip, gossip app that encourages cyberstalking at school
The application of the young French, Cindy Mouly, the same concept of the TV series and enables young holders of the application to run free and anonymously message with contacts of his repertoire. The message can be revived indefinitely and by the contacts, and thus the most obnoxious rumors loop on all phones teenagers. Harassment at school existed long before smartphones. But obviously this application does not help.
The replay of these messages is untraceable and there are many problems for several weeks in the playground. This application gives pride to the rumors about love and sex life mainly young teens, the petty remarks about the physical is also part of the key messages relayed via the application.
Gossip aims to “democratize gossip anonymously, “all, without a safeguard or moderation to control hundreds of thousands of messages launched daily.
Two students unions have called for a ban Gossip
This week two students unions have called for a ban Gossip. The Minister of Education has called this week for “extreme vigilance”. According to its critics, the application that is popular among young people, encourage online harassment. Internet , young people are the first victims of cyberbullying. Faced with criticism, the application has been suspended, pending improvements. (Video source LCP National Assembly)
Anonymity havoc
So the drifts are common and anonymity allows young people to have a clear conscience without worrying about devastation that can suffer unjustly harassed their colleagues.
This application makes rethink in online forums or anonymity wreaked havoc in recent years, notably via Ask.fm that led to the deaths of several teenagers. Stalkers are protected by anonymity and are rarely identified.
Online Harassment is a growing phenomenon in recent years, young people are not the only ones to suffer, 4 out 10 claim to have been victims of online abuse.
Gossip application should soon adopt a performance moderation to limit abuses in this area, remains everyone to raise awareness of the dangers of the web .
Gossip, rumors of the French application that concerned students and teachers
Get Gossip: Vallaud-Belkacem calls” extreme vigilance “
The Minister of Education on Wednesday called for “extreme vigilance on the content of the messages that are posted” Gossip , the application of exchange of “gossip” anonymously, whose prohibition has already been claimed by several student unions.
In a statement, Najat Vallaud-Belkacem also asks academy rectors, with the help headmasters of secondary schools, to alert prosecutors’ all or defamatory insults uttered against students or staff. ” According to her, “the reopening of this could come to affect a calm atmosphere within schools.”
According to the creator of the platform, Cindy Mouly, users access the “gossip” posted their contacts, but can also access the “gossip about one of [their] contacts but will be posted by people who are not part of your telephone directory or Facebook .”
Tuesday Several student unions had called for the prohibition of Gossip , saying that this platform has led an unhealthy climate in several schools and promotes harassment.
Najat Vallaud-Belkacem, which states “consider the fight against bullying as a priority,” says want to continue to “warn of the dangers of cyberbullying.”
The boom anonymous applications
application anonymous multiply together the polemics too. To USA “Secret” allowed to share anonymous messages with all of its telephone directory, this application has been accused of favoring harassment even after several revisions, the company was forced to close its doors. Many anonymous applications were met with moderation.
problemsFor the President of the LDIFs, moderate Gossip will not solve the problem, the same principle would be unacceptable. Even finding the side of the International Observatory on Violence in Schools (Oive): “The philosophy Gossip is unacceptable,” says Catherine Blaya, President of the Observatory
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