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Yahoo says it is all about research, communications and digital content, and now some of his former services must go. Victims who are taken in Yahoo’s digital divide are the people who own older iOS devices, Mac OS X Lion, the fans of Yahoo Maps, and users attached to Yahoo Pipes.
Yahoo closes the Maps page and other sections
Yahoo’s goal closed the page Maps and other services
According to Yahoo, it can no longer serve the top-electronics for iOS 4. So all users of this system should turn to the Web application from Yahoo Mail. The company says it is making that order to maintain the focus on security, speed, and functionality of Yahoo Mail on the latest systems
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The various services closed by Yahoo from the end of June
Yahoo Maps is also set to disappear, and also fast enough. The company plans to close maps.yahoo.com at the end of the month June Even if the site goes away with Yahoo’s mapping efforts that would remain alive for other purposes. Besides, Flickr would always support Maps after this month and several other Yahoo properties also would keep the integration of Maps. It is also noted that since 2007, Yahoo Pipes was a convenient way to make Web content together. Based on the concept of pipes Unix command line style, Yahoo Pipes allows you to create RSS feeds from multiple Web sites. But from the August 30, Yahoo would no longer accept the creation of new pipes, and a month later, the service would cease to function entirely. Anyone who uses channels so should have until 30 September 2015 to obtain their data. Beyond these major changes, Yahoo also shut down a number of specific versions in each country its specialized sites, including Yahoo Autos, Yahoo Entertainment, Yahoo! Movies, Yahoo! Music, and Yahoo! TV. The US versions of these five properties remain intact, while Canada is losing Yahoo Music and Yahoo TV.
In short, for years, Yahoo has been a confusing business to watch. There was no clear direction, but many different services and content attracted its loyal users. In addition, the CEO Marissa Meyer begins to give more shape to Yahoo saw that there were previously three pillars such as research, communications and digital content. As Yahoo gets a better idea of where it is headed, it would probably not be the last big cleaning company
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