Monday, June 15, 2015

Evenings Implant Party landed in Paris –

Are we witnessing a turning point in the field of man / technology? Until now (except in extreme cases), body modifications were confined to tattoos, piercings or spacers and cosmetic surgery.

But in recent months, a new trend born in the Scandinavian countries is becoming increasingly popular, Implant Party . A concept which is to be an NFC chip implant under the skin and allow the wearer to interact with many technologies of everyday life.

An NFC chip under the skin

This weekend, Paris hosted its first party implant as part of Futur en Seine operation in La Gaite Lyrique. Everyone could come and be an NFC chip implanted by a specialist trained in the operation.

Of course, no question of anything and the operation, charged 200 euros, is performed under conditions ‘drastic hygiene and in a totally sterilized environment. The biohacker (name given to the person receiving the implant) is seen injecting a big NFC chip as a grain of rice under the skin after local anesthesia. Once done, it becomes possible for the wearer of the chip interact with NFC contactless equipment that surrounds it.

Multiple applications, especially in the professional field

Unlocking your smartphone, open a door, turn on a computer or pay a small daily purchase of a simple wave of the hand, that is what makes technology implanted in the biohacker.

movement of a new genre was created in Sweden by the non-profit organization Bionyfiken. 400 Swedish workers have recently been offered the opportunity to be an NFC chip implant to enter their premises, pay for their meals or make photocopies. If ever the biohacker regret his act, it is possible to get off the chip.

 Photo Credits: Youtube Capture


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