Wednesday, June 24, 2015

NOS, Wikileaks, Assange … For those who have not (all) included – The Obs

Of the documents classified “Top Secret” for officials of the NSA and the US intelligence community. Some reports from the office of “Summary services” or “service syntheses.” Without startling revelation, but which prove that the United States, at least from 2006 to May 2012, were listening to private conversations of French presidents and some of their employees.

These documents, obtained by Wikileaks, which grouped them under the title “Espionage Elysée”, consist mainly of five NSA analysis reports, explained Wednesday, June 24 “Liberation” that reveal and Mediapart. What is the role of the NSA? How does WikiLeaks? What happened to Julian Assange, its founder?

# The NSA, what is it?

  • The largest US interception center

The very powerful as far as discreet NSA for National Security Agency (National Security Agency) is one of 17 US intelligence agencies, not the slightest.

Established in 1952 based on AFSA (Armed Forces Secret Services) to prevent a new Pearl Harbor, she is attached to the Department of Defense. Its headquarters is in Fort Meade (Maryland), but it ushered in the fall of 2013, a huge “data center” in Bluffdale (Utah), which is p Read largest US communications interception center . Estimated price: $ 2 billion

The NSA monitors and protects communications, sales and secures confidential information of Americans in the world, intercepts and decrypts messages from foreign powers. … It ensures the security of computer systems and data of government, while ensuring Internet monitoring role globally.

  • His credo: the ultra-discreet

The one we nicknamed “No Such Agency “(” such an agency does not exist “) was not officially recognized until five years after its creation. She demands the highest level of secrecy. Further reinforced after the attacks of 11 September, 2001.

  • $ 10 billion budget

It is not known what means the NSA has precisely. In 2013, “The World” however evoked “tens of thousands of employees” and an annual budget of nearly $ 10 billion.

  • Edward Snowden, a refugee in Russia

In June 2013, scandal. The revelations of the young whistleblower Edward Snowden, a former CIA consultant and former NSA employee, update, with supporting evidence, practices limitless agency on the supervision of the Internet, . mobile phones and other media phones

Articles published in June 2013 by the “Guardian” and the “Washington Post” revealed that the NSA – and the FBI – collecting and analyzing data for years in line million citizens in the United States and around the world. Particularly through its Prism program should contribute to the fight against terrorism, that scans the exchanges via Facebook, Google, YouTube … Edward Snowden, aged 32, has since fled to Russia.

  • P read 70 million French telephone data records

According to documents of the same Edward Snowden, between December 2012 and January 2013, more than 70 million French telephone data records were made by the NSA.

  • limited powers since June 2015

Beginning June 2015, the NSA has lost some of its tools with the adoption by the US Congress to reform the collection of telephone data. After several days of intense negotiations, the Senate gave its green light to the USA Freedom Act, legislation aimed at limiting the program NOS in collecting metadata telephone calls (time, duration, number called). It was the most criticized the surveillance measures introduced under the Patriot Act, passed immediately after September 11.

WikiLeaks # And then?

  • A site for documents that fuitent

Launched in late 2006 by American John Young and the Australian Julian Assange, is a participatory website that publishes confidential documents from leaks (“leaks”) which he shall preserve anonymity.

  • His credo: transparency

The site, which advocates transparency, prompt to show “all public officials, bureaucrats, corporate employees who become aware of embarrassing information that their institution wants to hide but the public needs to know. “

  • Some employees and donors

Dark. In the words of Julian Assange to the “Guardian” in July 2010, the site had five full-time employees and forty people “contributing regularly.” Soon after, Reporters Without Borders, among others, denounces his irresponsibility that were released after Iraqi civilians names helping the United States.

The site, which lives through its donors, then works collaboration with various major reference foreign newspapers. “The Guardian”, “Der Spiegel”, the “New York Times”. Then “The World” and “El Pais”. Concerning the information on Tuesday, Mediapart and “Liberation.”

  • Dutroux, Afghanistan, Sony …

The site publishes his first paper in December 2006: a note on a political assassination order in Somalia. In July 2009, the investigation report of the Dutroux case. A year later, WikiLeaks became known to the general public by disseminating US military documents on the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Including video, in April 2010, a US blunder in Iraq. For US information, write a report suggesting that its closure, the site represents “a threat to the US military.”

The site will then publish, among others, more than 90,000 documents on the war in Afghanistan . In December 2014, it has disclosed the CIA operation manuals for agents. More recently, the documents stolen from the company Sony Pictures by anonymous hackers. The most emblematic publication remains that, in 2010, 700,000 diplomatic documents provided by a young American soldier Bradley Manning.

In August 2013, the second class soldier was sentenced to 35 years in prison . He was convicted of spying for passing to WikiLeaks more than 700,000 documents. “I’m sorry I hurt people. I’m sorry I did wrong in the United States,” he told the military tribunal to try it.

and enigmatic personality disorder, ex-hacker, co-founder and spokesperson of Wikileaks was arrested in December 2010 by the British police. Two Swedish women accused him of rape and sexual assault, which he denies. He has taken refuge in the Embassy of Ecuador in London for three years now. He fears that if he goes to Sweden, being extradited to the US to respond publications on its website of these thousands of documents classified top secret. If it is strongly criticized by some, he also receives much support.

Celine Rastello


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