Article updated at 17h
The search engine Google does participate actively in illegal downloading and copyright infringement? The accusation, made by the lobbies of the cultural industry, returns steadily, which is defending the company, ensuring that the “search” is by no means the main contributor of traffic piracy sites (less than 16 % Pirate Bay).
In August, Google said inbox every day a million requests for removal (de-indexing pages) on the basis of the American Copyright Act (DMCA) – and 224 million for the whole of 2013, less than 1% are not enforced. The giant has already announced several changes to its engine, for in his fight against illegal downloading.
From paid advertising, but not enhanced SEO
And the new idea of Google to stop these practices and the use of the engine for the purpose of piracy is to promote legally available. Thus, for certain search queries related to music and movies, Google will trigger the display of a new advertising format.
For the engine, it is well to help users to find legitimate sources. “For the relatively small number of requests for films including words such as download, free or watch” Google has begun to show results suggested excerpts of legal offers. “We refined the signal and we expect that it clearly affects the ranking of the most popular websites,” the engine.
In addition to ad placement, which will be monetized by Google, the engine displays links to the desired movie pointing to Amazon, Netfix, as well as its own content platform, Google Play.
Similarly, displayed to the right of the results page when researching names here artist panel will include links to corresponding legal offers. A good opportunity for Google to monetize therefore searches for illegal content. Not sure so that rights holders see it as a means of selfless giant to promote legal services.
A ranking degraded to some illegal download sites
The RIAA argued in particular for better SEO legal sites. Adding an ad format is not a priori the expected response. They would instead be satisfied with other changes announced by Google -. Provided they check
The giant had previously committed to degrade the ranking of the sites covered by many DMCA takedown requests. Google claims to have refined his algorithm and hope “visibly affect the rankings of some of the famous sights.” This change must be made from this week, only the United States currently.
Meanwhile, Google said removing new keywords of its automatic search suggestions , on the basis of requests received DMCA. Specifically, when a user enters the name of a film, a series or a game, a game or a song, autocomplete queries in the search bar will offer more links to sites frequently targeted by DMCA.Objectif referred queries: reduce the view of suggestions by tracing results in many of the targeted removal requests websites .