SILICON VALLEY He suggested women to trust the “karma” instead of asking for a raise …
The big gaffe that goes very badly for Satya Nadella. While this industry is often blamed for the differences in pay between men and women and a lack of diversity, both within companies and at the level of their leaders, improper remarks of the Chief of Microsoft, Satya Nadella, appeared particularly moved.
Invited to a conference in Arizona on women and computers, it has been questioned by a woman who asked her advice for those who want to advance in their careers but are uncomfortable to demand a wage increase.
Satya Nadella, in office since April, said that women should trust the ‘system which makes you grant to as good increases (pay). ” He then found that women who do not ask for wage increase have a “super-power” as a “good karma that will come back.”
The moderator of the debate, Maria Klawe , member of the management of Microsoft, pointedly disagreed with Satya Nadella, provoking applause from the audience
The awkward about Satya Nadella led to publicly apologize. “I responded poorly to this issue, “and said the boss of the American computer giant in a memo to employees posted on his Twitter account Thursday night.
” Men and women should receive equal pay for work equivalent. (…) If you think you deserve a raise, you should ask, “Has he added.
” I misspoke in my answer on how women should ask for a raise, “Mr. Nadella has written about hersatyanadella.
” Our industry must end wage inequalities, that way we will not need to ask to increase “Has he said.
The case comes as according to a recent study by a group of California-thinking, highly educated men working in Silicon Valley earn on average 73% more that women with equivalent qualifications
-. Culture ‘geek’ –
Microsoft reported earlier this year that its numbers were made up only 29% of women. An almost identical figure at Google (30%) and Facebook (31%).
In addition, only 18% of women get degrees in computer science today, down by half in 25 years (37 % in 1990).
“The technology sector is not a traditional outlet for women,” agrees Ariane Hegewisch, director of studies at the Institute for Women’s Policy Research, which studies the issue of women in the labor market.
“There is not much evidence that karma has been very generous to women in this area,” she added in reference to what Satya Nadella.
Even if some of them in positions of responsibility, such as Marissa Mayer, Yahoo !, boss Meg Whitman, Executive Director at Hewlett-Packard, Safra Catz or co-president Oracle, the technology sector has become more difficult to access for women in the 1980s, still considers Ms. Hegewisch.
“+ + geek culture has become stronger and Culture + on- -all-the-night work + is also higher, so this may alienate women, “she says, lamenting that women are under-represented in all sectors of the technology industry, unlike other areas like finance for example.
“Women can study mathematics or science but rather they direct you to the traditional business, because the conditions of work and culture in the technology sector are hardly welcoming, “said Ariane Hegewisch yet.
What is worrying with the blunder of Mr. Nadella, she adds, is that he was speaking at a conference on the place of women in the IT industry: “This shows that it is not too aware of the debate, and it shows that from very far,” she said
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