Friday, January 22, 2016

Mimicker Alarm: an alarm clock for Android suprenant by Microsoft – Clubic

Microsoft intends to rethink the functionality of a traditional alarm clock on smartphones and has the mimicker Alarm application on Android.

The team of Microsoft Garage multiplies the mobile application projects and field favorite game is the Google system. This time, the developers want to rethink the operation of a recovery application to add a dimension of gamefication .

In addition to a traditional manager different alarms, the application proposes a number of small games to do upon awakening. The user may be required to take immediately a selfie while mimicking a particular phrase, take a picture of an object of some color or try to do stunts with his tongue while speaking. On the one hand the idea is to break the monotony of waking while leaving the person from sleep but also to improve the artificial intelligence platform from Microsoft.

Indeed, such application focuses more specifically on the Oxford project and embeds several programming interfaces. For example API Emotions will analyze facial features. Mimicker Alarm also includes the Speech API and Computer Vision. These data captured and sent to Microsoft and will improve the various algorithms of researchers. The publisher promises that this data will be anonymous.

The code for this application was released as open source on Github directory and Microsoft is the opportunity to integrate its API in a project illustrating some relatively simple and uses. For now mimicker Alarm seems to be available only within the US Play Store.


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