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Sunday, July 31, 2016
Job cuts at SFR: the government wants explanations – RFI
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Should we regret that escapes Telegram information? – Rue89
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Big flaw to Telegram on OS X – Fredzone
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“Good for peace household,” it said on the site Apple as a introductory message to its “family share”. More than a single strategy, it is a trend increasingly used by technology companies. It is now the turn of Google Play to run in the family division.
Papa, mama, the eldest, the twins, and even Junior, the little dog … They can be up to six. Google officially announced the creation of a “Family Library” to “six members of the same family to share their purchases on Google Play.”
The first thing to know, is that it is a completely free service. Then, to use it, you have to go in his “account” to set up the family library. The director, who must be at least 18 years old and do not, of course, already be part of another family on Google Play, will have to register a credit card that will be the mode of payment for the group.
It is then that the administrator can add the members of his family. But there are, however, some conditions apply. To become a member of a family library, you must have a Google account, be at least 13 years, live in the same country as the administrator, and again not to already be part of “another family.”
The service is currently available in several countries, US to Australia, via Ireland, France and Brazil.
With certainly lag behind Apple, Google goes on the attack families. A strategy that the Mountain View company was more or less already in place with the inauguration in December 2015, Google Play Music allows users, subscribing to a subscription (14.99 euros per month), d listen to family streaming music, as Apple music, Spotify and Deezer.
Benjamin Pontis
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Friday, July 29, 2016
Three questions Telegram, the preferred messaging jihadists – francetv info
“You take a knife, you go to a church, you make a carnage, bim. You two slices or three heads and it’s good, it’s over.” These words, Kermiche Adel, one of the two authors of the attack on the church of Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray, held them just hours before perpetrating the attack. And he did not hesitate to share them on Telegram, encrypted messaging application that claims more than 100 million users worldwide, and is used by many jihadists eager to communicate beyond the intelligence services and monitoring.
francetv info explain what it is exactly.
What is exactly Telegram?
Telegram is an instant messaging application launched in 2013 by Pavel Durov brothers and Nikolai. Fervent opponents of the Putin regime, the two Russians were exiled in Europe, and say fiercely opposed to the transmission of data to the authorities of private conversations.
The application by which more transiteraient 10 billion messages each day, has experienced rapid success, benefiting in particular from acquisition in February 2014 of its main competitor, WhatsApp, the giant Facebook . The operation has indeed caused the flight to Telegram many users WhatsApp, fearing that their personal data used for advertising purposes.
As n ‘ any conventional messaging tool, the application can talk to one or more friends, groups can contain up to 5000 people. Contacts can be added by their telephone number or by their nickname. In addition to the messages, you can also send pictures, videos, or your location on a map. popular feature on Telegram: the “channels”, discussion forums where anyone can come and talk about a topic.
Why attracted jihadists?
For terrorists, Telegram shows interesting because it also offers “secret chats” whose messages self-destruct after being read by the recipient. These “flash” conversations can be programmed to be erased from five seconds to one week after the exchange.
But the application has mostly bet on a more complex encryption system than its rivals as or WhatsApp Messenger, and “secret” conversations are not stored on any server. The company guarantees the total confidentiality of exchanges, to the point of promising $ 200 000 (180 000) to that piraterait and reveal trade.
Encrypt a conversation? “ This is like putting the message in a box key is closed and is sent by mail. If ever this box is intercepted, it is so strong and the key is so complex that the forces the order fail to open “ shows on RMC Gérôme Billois specialist cyber security.
the application proves therefore doubly useful for jihadists: it allows them to quietly discuss their projects, but also to spread their ideas to as many people through the “channels” on which they can easily broadcast their propaganda.
Could the application designers relax the privacy Telegram?
In September 2015, at the conference startups TechCrunch Disrupt in San Francisco, Pavel Durov was asked what he thought of the fact that jihadists use to communicate its application. Answer: “ The right to privacy is more important than our fear that something bad will produce as terrorism e”. Pavel Durov added that in any case, the jihadists would always find a tool to exchange discreetly on the web. The purpose of the confidentiality was left for him at first to protect cybercriminals or are oppressive regimes. “ I do not think we should feel guilty” , he concluded.
Some consider also that this kind of ultra-encrypted messaging should not disappear. “There is a before and after Snowden. Today for integrity, information security tools we need to protect our data” , said on France Info journalist Jean- Marc Manach, specialist in internet surveillance issues.
Following the attacks of 13 November in Paris, the creators of the application have nonetheless recognized that they were “troubled to learn that the public accounts Telegram were used by EI to spread his propaganda” . They decided to block 78 accounts linked to the Islamic State in 12 languages on one week following the attacks. Telegram also said since she is preparing new procedures to allow users to report her “questionable public content” . A drop of water?
francetv INFO RECOMMENDS Related Subjects read
Terrorism: Telegram, a simple application for jihadists? – 20minutes.fr
MAIL While instant messaging is very popular with terrorists, such as Saint-Etienne -du-Rouvray, Telegram is reluctant to collaborate with the authorities …
- 29/07/2016 at 19:56
- updated
A new center of the controversy . One of the terrorists who brutally murdered the priest Jacques Hamel, Tuesday
the church of Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray, using the Telegram application. These included announced plans to take action
& gt;. & Gt; Read also: “You take a knife, you go to a church,” advised Kermiche
Often presented as the preferred application of jihadists Daesh, Telegram is an instant messaging app launched in 2013. Two communication modes coexist. One, classical, from person to person. The other, specific to Telegram, is a group discussion method that can bring together thousands of people.
Daesh are used for propaganda.
“When Telegram receives channel closure applications, they are slow to respond, while Facebook and Twitter are more reactive,” says Gerome Billois specialist cybersecurity firm Wavestone . After the attacks in November 2015, and under pressure, Telegram agreed to close 78 jihadists accounts.
Marketing Argument
This refusal to cooperate with the authorities several reasons. Russian Pavel Durov, a founder, describes himself as libertarian advocates freedom of communication. The marketing agument then praises the security of the application (using the
message encryption), and respect for privacy. “I think our right to privacy is more important than our fear that bad things happen, like the
terrorism, had said in September 2015 Pavel Durov. In the end, the Islamic state will always find a way to communicate. If a means of communication proves insufficiently secure for them, they will find another. I do not think we should feel guilty. “Do not forget the physical impossibility for teams Telegram read all messages and control everything.
When a person to person conversation, it is possible to choose option “cat secret.” By default, communications are not encrypted. But once enabled, Telegram has no access to message content. It’s like a lock code, obviously more sophisticated. “Encryption is an information protection mechanism and it can take months or years to decipher,” says Gerome Billois, who believes that, in fact, Whatsapp Messenger and such are as safe as Telegram .
“Ten million messages per hour ‘
by cons, discussion groups, or channels, are not encrypted from end to end. So Telegram can access. Except humanly, it would be impossible to analyze everything. “Today, overall, ten million messages are sent every hour on Telegram,” said Gerome Billois. We must therefore rely on an alert from a user …
There are many semantic analysis software. Those that use Google to stick you on a pub Rome just after a discussion with a friend about a trip to Italy. But these programs are not very smart. If you talk about a bomb, referring sexist strand to a person, they will tape on the first meaning of the word
& gt;. & Gt; Read also: Telegram, the latest mobile preferred by Daesh to communicate
This raises the question thousand euros (or more). How to preserve the safety of persons in respect of their privacy? This application is in fact also used by dissidents in dictatorships. Companies also use encryption. “If we give the keys to governments to access this information, there may be a risk to privacy” says Gerome Billois. It’s almost as if the Post could read all the mail.
Budapest Convention and cyberspace
So, can the law s’ apply to force Telegram to provide information? Except that? Everything seems a little fuzzy. “The Telegram headquarters is located in Berlin, under the foundation status, says Gerome Billois. But servers can be disseminated around the world. “And then the whole issue of international law resurfaced. “All countries have not signed the Budapest Convention facilitates and enables the police investigations in cyberspace,” says the specialist. This gray area will take this opportunity not only to jihadists. Cybercriminals are also on the go
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End of the free Windows 10: You can reinstall without paying? – 01net.com
A year ago that Windows 10 was released and is available as an update for all machines with Windows 7 or Windows 8.1. If the initial promise is clear, gray areas remain, that make you wonder what will happen when the last grain of sand will be dropped to the bottom hourglass – which is expected tomorrow morning, 30 July at 24:59 French time. Microsoft has stalled the end of the grace period on the time of Hawaii, the last US state to leave July 29
… Anyway, here are four scenarios to try to answer this question: you he will pay after July 29 if you have a problem that requires resettlement …
– your old computer that was never update on Windows 10?
Yes, you will pay. you had a year to adopt the latest Microsoft OS. The time is past. If you have a problem with your “old” computer. You can of course there reinstall Windows which animated. But if you decide suddenly to switch to Windows 10, it will be paying. Count 135 euros for the Family version, and 279 euros for the Pro version
-.? Your new computer
No, it only takes not pay if it was sold with a Windows license 10. you can meet any relocation.
however, if you purchased a “naked” computer and do not have Windows 10 installation disk, you will have to buy a copy from Microsoft if you want to install.
note that you can not get Windows 10 using an installation disk Windows eligible even if you were served on your previous computer to upgrade to Windows 10
-.? PC upgraded to Windows 10 from Windows (7 or 8.1)
no, it will not pay you you can iron your Windows machine 10. As explained by Microsoft. “Windows free updates are related to activation “. This procedure ensures that your version of the Microsoft OS is genuine and is not installed on more machines than expected.
In the case of Windows Update 7 8.1 and performed for free one-year period, a digital right is used, and not a product key of 25 characters. This right has been generated during the upgrade.
This means that a priori simply launch the Windows installation on your PC from your installation DVD (Windows 7 or 8.1 ). When you are asked to enter a key, simply choose Ignore and activation should automatically do once Windows installation files 10 downloaded and installed
. – PC upgraded to Windows 10 from Windows (7 or 8.1) you had to change one or more components?
Maybe you will have to pay. The answer is less obvious. Yes, you can reinstall Windows 10, but … not necessarily free.
All the ambiguity lies in the word “significantly”. Microsoft says in effect: “If you have upgraded to Windows 10 using the offer of free upgrade and significantly changed the hardware configuration of your device, such as replacing the motherboard, Windows 10 may stop be activated. “
Once the question is to know what is a significant change. Opting for a new hard drive, is considered a significant change? . Hard to say
Another question then immediately arises: If activation is not possible, what should we do? Microsoft refers to its support service. Again, new question, he will go through the checkout to get a Windows 10 key? Perhaps, only the experience of individual cases will tell.
Next step:
If July 29 is the end of the first Windows deployment flap 10 on 2 August marks another important step. It is on this date that Microsoft will gradually and automatically update Birthday for Windows 10.
Who will be right? All persons using a properly activated Windows 10. This includes people who:
– spent their PC for Windows 7 / 8.1 to Windows 10 during the
free – bought a computer with Windows 10
– bought a copy (digital or physical) of Windows 10.
If you missed these marks, you will simply acquire a Windows 10 license for the right to the first major update.
Facebook: nearly 2 billion users and a turnover that peaked – CNET France
All lights are green
Logically level finance , everything is fine ; the group announced that it exceeded 2 billion profit in the second quarter of 2016 against $ 719 million the previous year. Revenues were up 59%, he spent a little over $ 4 billion to $ 6.4 billion.
Obviously advertising is the main engine of growth with revenue up 63% in the space of a year. Importantly, the moving part is the one that generates the most revenue; 84% of earnings against 76% the previous year. Precisely on mobile applications (Facebook and Messenger) are up 20% to 1.57 billion monthly active users.
Facebook crushes the competition, including Twitter, which no longer knows the public with only 3% more users, but still gives off $ 602 million of revenue.
Windows 10: 10 tips to optimize its operation – ZDNet France
This Friday that Windows 10 free period (for users of Windows 7 and 8) ends. Now, the update will pay 135 euros for the Family version, or 279 euros for the Pro version
You took advantage of the free upgrade offered by Microsoft or you plan to migrate soon.? In any case, here are 10 tips that will make you go faster.
For whatever end by which you take: the configuration settings in Windows 10 can quickly become very complicated. Whether it’s tweaking the system settings to improve performance or adjust the configuration to customize your desktop, there are hundreds, even thousands of parameters to take into account.
Here are 10 simple tips that will help you increase the performance of Windows 10 and customize it to suit your needs. Because the default settings very often defects
& gt; & gt; & gt; A read – Windows 10: first glimpse of the updated Birthday & lt; & lt; & lt;
1. Maximize processor performance
If you use a desktop or a laptop that is always connected, you can optimize the performance of your CPU by changing your power options. Right-click the Start button in the lower left corner of the desktop (or Windows key + X) and navigate to the menu ‘Power Options’. Represented on the visual screen, click the ‘high performance’ button.
Remember, change this setting will quickly pump the battery. Use the so wisely. Oh, and you may want to make changes to various settings as you are.
2. Pin the office looking for files
One of the most powerful in the File Explorer of Windows 10 features is the ability to save searches. The video shows a saved search that identifies all Word documents in a specific folder. When you have many files .doc, for example, is a convenient way to search for the same kind of files. But it is even more convenient if this research is pinned to the Start menu. One can thus find it more quickly.
Open file Explorer and navigate to your Users folder, and your subfolder ‘Searches ‘. Right-click on the saved search and pinned it to your Start menu for easier access
& gt; & gt; & gt; A read – Windows 10: first glimpse. the update Birthday & lt; & lt; & lt;
3. Learn to do without Bing
Microsoft wants you and your personal assistant Cortana are using Bing as the default search engine instead of Google. You can force Cortana to use a different search engine, but you must first change your default Web browser.
If Firefox is your default browser in Windows 10, Cortana should then use Google Search . If Chrome is the default browser, you must install the extension Chrometana and change the default values. If you do not, you will learn that Cortana is particularly stubborn, and will continue to use Bing.
4. Limit the scope of Cortana
If you want to change more Cortana search behavior, you can limit the search parameters themselves. For example, it is possible to serve at Cortana not pick up on the Internet.
Click the Cortana search field in the taskbar and go to the Cortana settings screen, as shown in Figure C. bottom must be a parameter that indicates research online and include web results’. Switch to ‘Off’ and Cortana show not Web results whatever the search engine used by default
& gt; & gt; & gt; A read – Windows 10. : first glimpse of the updated Birthday & lt; & lt; & lt;
5. Enjoy onedrive Fetch
When you create a Microsoft account, one of the advantages is to get access to cloud storage onedrive no charge. But a little-used feature called Fetch you can get more (but this does not concern onedrive for Business).
right-click onedrive the icon and select ‘Settings’. On the next screen, click the ‘Settings’ tab to access the shown in video screen. Look for the box called ‘Let me use onedrive to bring all my files on this PC’. This will allow you to access all the files on your PC from a computer using a browser, and simply by logging into your online version of onedrive.
6. Change the location where the application is installed
Many computers today are equipped with a combination of SSD and mechanical disks of great capacity. It is a good idea, but it needs to do a little management, especially regarding where to install new applications. In most cases you will want the newly installed applications are on the mechanical drive, and not on the boot SSD lower capacity
To change the default drive where to install the applications, click the Start button and navigate to ‘all applications | settings | system | storage’. You should see a screen similar to the one shown in the video. In this screen, you can change the default locations for applications, documents, music, photos and video.
7. Create a custom shortcut folder
If you use the Windows Start menu 10 to access your applications, perhaps the next tip is for you. You can create a folder personalized ‘Start Menu’ that contains shortcuts to applications, documents, etc., that you regularly use. You can then pin that folder to the Start screen or the taskbar.
First, open file Explorer and go to that folder C: Users XXX AppData Roaming Microsoft Windows Start Menu Programs. Note: AppData is a hidden file, so you should select the option ‘Show hidden files’. Of course, your user name is different from the one proposed here.
In the Programs folder, you can add your own subfolder. In the example, the folder name is ‘A_Custom_Start_Folder’ so it will appear in the “A” section of the Start menu. You can put in this folder shortcuts you want
& gt; & gt; & gt; A read – Windows 10. First glimpse of the update Birthday & lt; & lt ; & lt;
8. Remove Windows.old
The hard disk storage is less expensive and limited than in the past, but that does not mean you want to waste space. If you upgraded Windows 10 upgraded from Windows 7 or Windows 8, you probably have a folder on your hard disk that contains the old version of Windows. In the event that you will never return to those versions of Windows, you can delete this folder and save storage space on your hard drive
to delete the folder, open file Explorer, go to the hard disk where Windows 10 is installed (usually this is drive C), and right-click. Now click on the menu item ‘Properties’ to get to a screen similar to that shown in Figure G. Click the ‘Disk Cleanup’ to start the scan and click the button “File Cleanup system ‘.
9. Add more places to send files
When working in File Explorer and click the right button on a file, then navigate to the menu ‘Send To’ you will see a small list of suggested places where you can send the file. If you Shift + Right-click on the file instead, and go to menu ‘Send To’, you will see a much more extensive list of places to send the file.
10. More options for Snap Assist
Most users are familiar Snap Assist Windows 10. This will drag a window on each side of the screen and fit the window in half the screen. However, many users do not know how the Snap Assist feature has been enhanced for Windows 10.
Not only can you drag the window to the stuck in a half-screen, but if you drag a window to one of the four corners of the screen, it will then take a quarter of the screen. This means you can easily position four windows open at once, such as the visual shows.
You can find Assist Snap settings in the system settings. To do so, click the Start button, go to ‘all applications’ | settings | system | multitasking and adjust sliders to suit your needs
& gt; & gt; & gt; A read – Windows 10. first look at the updated Birthday & lt; & lt ; & lt;
Death of Adama Traoré: justice says no to a third autopsy – Le Dauphiné Libéré
The court refuses to order a third autopsy. That’s what was said the prosecutor of Pontoise, Friday
On Tuesday, the court had granted the request of cons-expertise family Adam Traore, died there over a week during his arrest in the Val-d’Oise, and authorized a new autopsy.
more traces of the infection
This against-autopsy, the results of which were announced on Thursday, has revealed “no trace of violence,” according to the prosecutor. According to him, “the explanation of the cause of death can not be made with all analyzes (bacteriology, toxicology, pathology)”, whose results are expected “in the month of August.”
Not satisfied, the family called for a third autopsy. The lawyer for the victim’s relatives questioned in particular the fact that the cons-expertise does not mention the infection demonstrated at the first autopsy. “This young man died of asphyxiation syndrome, we must know how,” he had said.
Described as “blunder” by his family, the death of Adama Traoré has resulted in several nights of violence in the town of Beaumont-Sur-Oise, where he was arrested, and in neighboring municipalities.
Facebook: record results in the second quarter – Begeek.fr
Facebook has unveiled its results for the second quarter, the figures are heartening investors and sit a little more dominance of the mastodon in the field of social networks. All lights are green for Facebook Indeed, whether in terms of profit, turnover and number of users.
Facebook explodes goals in the second quarter
the social network Mark Zuckerberg still attracts more users, an audience which in turn attracts more ad networks and enables the first social network in the world to see its turnover soar. Indeed, Facebook has announced a turnover of $ 6.4 billion in the second quarter, an increase of 59% year on year. Income that the social network derives mainly from advertising.
And what about profits, which almost tripled compared to last year in the same period, to more than $ 2 billion . An increase of 186%. The company to 84% of its advertising revenue for mobile users is 8% higher compared to the second quarter 2015.
An increasingly large audience
Her record results that exceed analysts’ forecasts, also relate to the number of users of social network that continues to grow. At June 30, 2016, Facebook claimed 1.71 billion active users while they were 1.65 billion at the end of the previous quarter, it is 15% more. At the mobile, the number of active users also increased to 1.57 billion, or 20% better than the first quarter.
The development of video on the social network is not no doubt something to do with its outstanding results. Advertisers turning to this medium rather than television, whose audience has decreased in favor of computer and mobile platforms
Photo credits:. Flickr Brian Solis
Thursday, July 28, 2016
Manuel Valls: “To be clear address the threat, it is not falling into populism” – Le Monde
” This war, which does not concern that France will be long and we will know more attacks. But we will win. Because France has a strategy to win this war “ says Mr. Valls. “We must, first, crush this enemy outside” , he said.
Read the whole of maintenance of Manuel Valls: “France has a strategy to win this war”
the party president Republicans (LR) Nicolas Sarkozy suggested Wednesday in an interview with World , a series of measures, calling him out of the “framework” current legal and considering that facing the “barbarism” , “the left is paralyzed “. Thursday in Le Figaro is the number to Republicans, the president of the region Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Laurent Wauquiez, who demanded the resignation of Prime Minister and Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve.
Mr Valls, “being lucid address the threat, it is not falling into populism” and “on safety, the left has no lessons to learn “. Faced with proposals from Republicans, he urged the French to “reject the demagogic solutions that believe we can finish [with the terrorist threat] in a few months’ . No question, therefore, to confine mere suspects in camps:
“Everything that reinforces our efficiency should be retained, but there is an impassable line: the rule of law. As such, the confinement of individuals in centers on the basis of suspicion alone is morally and legally unacceptable. “
” Nicolas Sarkozy lost his nerve “, judge the Prime Minister.
” However, we have changed era. We need to change our behavior. This is a revolution in our culture of safety that must engage “, added the head of government. For him, it must in particular question before “each event” to see if it is “indispensable” and he deserves the deployment of necessary security measures her outfit.
the Prime Minister believes that “the fight against radicalization will be the matter of a generation” , and must mingle “prevention “ and ” de-radicalization programs “. “We need to finally build a powerful against speech that should not be the job of the state, but of the entire civil society” , he said.
Without speak of “concordat” Mr Valls believes that “must be to redesign and invent a new relationship with Islam of France” . The Prime Minister is considering banning the financing of mosques abroad “for a period to be determined” .
Facebook multiplies record second … – LSA
All the lights are green. Facebook has just published its business figures for the second quarter 2016 and announces good news for investors. Indeed, the group’s turnover jumped by 59%, or $ 6.4 billion last year where Facebook generates just over $ 4 billion of CA. Become a cash machine, the social network seems to be able to convince advertisers to spend more and more on its platform, the bulk of its income is indeed generated by advertising.
profits up 186%
even better, Facebook has more than doubled the amount of its profits from the well above 2 billion, and an increase from the previous year by + 186%. Sign of the evolution of uses around the Internet, Facebook accounts for 84% of its advertising revenue just by moving. All this would be highly impossible without another key indicator of the health of the company: the number of registered and active members can claim it. And again, the group has not ashamed to face other Web giants like Google. Indeed, Facebook would total 1.71 billion monthly users, for which the social network accumulates each year an increasingly detailed understanding, here is a strong argument to attract more advertisers.
€ 1.6 billion invested in the digital
the digital attracting more and more advertisers, this is obvious. Just look at the scale of France what is happening. The first half of 2016, advertising spending on the Internet were more important than on television. A first. Advertising “online” total net sales of 1.651 billion euros, representing 30% of advertising investments in this period, when television brings it, 29.7% of media buys, according to latest figures Observatory SRI e-pub (July 2016).
19 reasons to go (or not) for free to Windows 10 – Numerama
In 24 hours, Windows 10 will become chargeable. If you still hesitate to make the update, you will find all the reasons that you could tilt to one side or the other.
You know, the free upgrade program to Windows 10 finishes in 24 hours? You really lucky. Because Microsoft has not skimped on how to warn you. No really. Really. Still. It was not anything. And despite all this, Redmond has given up its initial objectives of installation, even if Windows 10 is pretty well common, accounting for 300 million of updates.
In short, the end of the update program Free is scheduled for July 30 and if we had relied heavily on a Microsoft marketing strategy that would have kept free even after the deadline, it does not seem to be the case.
do you make update your computer and switch to Windows 10? Hard to say. We arguments to. And arguments against. We leave you only judges.
The good reasons to install Windows 10
- in outline, it is a great operating system, which has not lost any argument over Windows 7. It is almost the only alternative for gamers.
- loads faster, for the same configuration, Windows 7.
- Microsoft added virtual desktop management and advanced management particularly powerful windows.
- update your system operation is a good idea level security: while Windows 7 is still maintained for now, but the day he will not, you may have to pay his successor
- Besides,. one of the reasons to upgrade now is that it’s free
- Windows 7 is dated aesthetically
- No bad faith.. in minutes you can turn off all the frills and other social features that might disturb you.
- LiveTile interface has almost completely disappeared and we did not complain.
- in most case, the installation works extremely well just by pressing the update button. You restart your system and nothing has changed, everything changed.
- There will be cross-platform Xbox / Windows 10. The idea of blowing up gamers playing on a pad fast fps us glad.
good reasons not to install Windows 10
- Microsoft still has accumulated two defects of computers, hard to digest in 2016: being heavy and intrusive with its users. We can not forgive them this relentless communication.
- Windows 10 in its basic configuration, like everything about you.
- In fact, we must admit that we has disabled all functions related to Cortana and the supposed intelligence, not because they were sending pictures of us at Microsoft, but because they are perfectly useless.
- in fact, for these features are relevant, you need a Windows smartphone 10. And that is out of the question.
- The notification system is very painful, too.
- so, the whole concept of continuity that works so well on Mac is wobbly. Like the promise to have a true Windows on Windows 10 smartphone: in practice, it oar and no software can not install it, only apps
- applications. let’s talk about it. Or do we forget them permanently?
- Sometimes the installation will crash your PC … or one of its components. If you run the update on a Friday night, so you may spoil your weekend.
- You remember Edge? We.
To be perfectly transparent, writing Numerama is eclectic and uses all operating systems everyday. For productivity and multimedia macOS wins hands down. Ubuntu is its equivalent in our libristes convinced. We play exclusively on Windows 10 (difficult to do otherwise without taking the head). And we recommend growing Chromebooks, both for students and for those who do not have the habit of computing.
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