Friday, July 29, 2016

End of the free Windows 10: You can reinstall without paying? –

A year ago that Windows 10 was released and is available as an update for all machines with Windows 7 or Windows 8.1. If the initial promise is clear, gray areas remain, that make you wonder what will happen when the last grain of sand will be dropped to the bottom hourglass – which is expected tomorrow morning, 30 July at 24:59 French time. Microsoft has stalled the end of the grace period on the time of Hawaii, the last US state to leave July 29
… Anyway, here are four scenarios to try to answer this question: you he will pay after July 29 if you have a problem that requires resettlement …

– your old computer that was never update on Windows 10?

Yes, you will pay. you had a year to adopt the latest Microsoft OS. The time is past. If you have a problem with your “old” computer. You can of course there reinstall Windows which animated. But if you decide suddenly to switch to Windows 10, it will be paying. Count 135 euros for the Family version, and 279 euros for the Pro version

-.? Your new computer

No, it only takes not pay if it was sold with a Windows license 10. you can meet any relocation.

however, if you purchased a “naked” computer and do not have Windows 10 installation disk, you will have to buy a copy from Microsoft if you want to install.

note that you can not get Windows 10 using an installation disk Windows eligible even if you were served on your previous computer to upgrade to Windows 10

-.? PC upgraded to Windows 10 from Windows (7 or 8.1)

no, it will not pay you you can iron your Windows machine 10. As explained by Microsoft. “Windows free updates are related to activation “. This procedure ensures that your version of the Microsoft OS is genuine and is not installed on more machines than expected.

In the case of Windows Update 7 8.1 and performed for free one-year period, a digital right is used, and not a product key of 25 characters. This right has been generated during the upgrade.

This means that a priori simply launch the Windows installation on your PC from your installation DVD (Windows 7 or 8.1 ). When you are asked to enter a key, simply choose Ignore and activation should automatically do once Windows installation files 10 downloaded and installed

. – PC upgraded to Windows 10 from Windows (7 or 8.1) you had to change one or more components?

Maybe you will have to pay. The answer is less obvious. Yes, you can reinstall Windows 10, but … not necessarily free.

All the ambiguity lies in the word “significantly”. Microsoft says in effect: “If you have upgraded to Windows 10 using the offer of free upgrade and significantly changed the hardware configuration of your device, such as replacing the motherboard, Windows 10 may stop be activated. “

Once the question is to know what is a significant change. Opting for a new hard drive, is considered a significant change? . Hard to say

Another question then immediately arises: If activation is not possible, what should we do? Microsoft refers to its support service. Again, new question, he will go through the checkout to get a Windows 10 key? Perhaps, only the experience of individual cases will tell.

Next step:

If July 29 is the end of the first Windows deployment flap 10 on 2 August marks another important step. It is on this date that Microsoft will gradually and automatically update Birthday for Windows 10.

Who will be right? All persons using a properly activated Windows 10. This includes people who:
– spent their PC for Windows 7 / 8.1 to Windows 10 during the
free – bought a computer with Windows 10
– bought a copy (digital or physical) of Windows 10.

If you missed these marks, you will simply acquire a Windows 10 license for the right to the first major update.


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