Friday, July 31, 2015

A methane inhibitor to reduce the effect of cow farts – BFMTV.COM

Rest assured, the process has no effect on milk production. US researchers have shown that it is possible to reduce by 30% the emission of cows through a methane inhibitor. Now in the UK for example, pets and belching cows and other ruminants are responsible for a quarter of the emissions of this pollutant, greenhouse gases 25 times more harmful to the atmosphere than CO2.

The study, published earlier this month by the US National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) and denoted by Le Figaro , highlights the effects of 3NOP, or 3-nitrooxypropanol, which acts on the tissues of the digestive system of cows. Indeed, it is when cattle ruminate the food product of their fermentation methane. We speak of methanogenesis.

One third of methane in less

Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania believe that by integrating the 3NOP to their diet, it is possible to reduce a third methane emitted by cows. The method was tested for three months on 48 Holstein dairy cows and has proven itself. Better, the effects have lasted beyond 12 weeks test.

One option that could be developed soon, especially since this treatment of food has no effect on the a priori organization cows, their food intake or the quality of milk produced. On the contrary, the milk contain more protein and lactose. As for the methane emitted despite everything, he can always use Fuel for aircraft .


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