Stephen Hawking , December 2, 2014, in London. – Kirsty Wigglesworth / AP / SIPA

20 Minutes with AFP

Artificial intelligence, no, but the extra-terrestrial intelligence, yes! “In an infinite universe, there must be traces of life”: the famous British astrophysicist Stephen Hawking in London on Monday launched an ambitious program to observe the reaches of space in search for extraterrestrial intelligent life <. /> span>

Supported by the Russian physicist and entrepreneur Yuri Milner, the 10-year project, called “Breakthrough Listen” and endowed with $ 100 million (€ 92 million) is billed as the most ambitious ever undertaken to find a sign of extraterrestrial intelligence.

“In an infinite universe, there must be evidence of life. Somewhere in the cosmos, perhaps, intelligent life look, “said Stephen Hawking launch the program at the Royal Society Science Academy in London.

” Either manner, it is no greater issue. It’s time to commit to finding the answer to look for life beyond Earth. We need to know, “added the scientist.

To carry out this research, the project will use the resources of the most powerful telescopes in an attempt to flush out the manifestation an intelligent activity, such as a radio frequency or a laser beam. This program will be conducted in partnership with the project “Breakthrough Message”, a competition to create digital messages representing humanity.