Monday, April 11, 2016

Microsoft reveals some surprises functions for Windows 10 –

Microsoft has on its website a list of upcoming features for business users of Windows 10, without specifying an exact date of availability. Some have already been announced at the conference Build 2016 publisher, for the next update anniversary of Windows 10 should happen in July.

These include all of Windows Ink First, the electronic ink system to take notes, draw a route on a map, highlight text and draw with a stylus. The Cortana virtual assistant should also benefit from improvements to make it more proactive, run when the PC screen is locked and provide easier access to the many compatible applications in the Windows Store, grouped within the “Cortana collection” . Finally, the Edge browser extensions will have to accommodate such an ad blocker.

But the most interesting section of the roadmap is that stated “Developing”. The first feature that caught our eye is used to unlock a Windows PC with a smartphone Android or Windows Phone or even with an accessory such as Microsoft strap connected Band 2.

Continuum also work with touch screens

Another feature announced: Microsoft plans to extend the Continuum according to monitors with a touch screen, which can be used to display and input device to compatible smartphones. Thus, the publisher plans to develop an accessory that looks like a notebook entry but the processor and operating system will be provided by the smartphone. Another new Continuum smartphone can connect to a screen on which is already connected a Windows 10 PC and PC will send its display on other PC screens.

Notifications to Edge and Cortana

notifications are honored as the Edge browser will be able to send from favorite websites, eg Facebook, even if it is not active. They will also be present at Cortana that will send the Windows action center.

The last function we have chosen relation display video in a portion of the screen, as same principle of “picture in picture” found on some TVs.

What are the functions also present in the consumer version of Windows 10? Microsoft does not say and above all does not guarantee that the functions must emerge. Thus, the roadmap includes a “Cancel” on empty for the moment but that could fill in the coming weeks

Sources:. Microsoft, PCWorld


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