Users of versions of Windows 7 and 8 in 190 countries began to be “informed by waves for their free upgrade” , pending the gradual arrival in stores using new devices the new software, said in a statement the US computer group.
He did not disclose immediately the number of updates made by consumers, which should have registered in advance in order to install Windows 10 on Wednesday on their devices.
Reservations millions
“Tens of millions of people have booked and we are serving when we speak, in France, Asia , which has already begun “, and in nearly 190 countries, however, said the president of Microsoft France, Alain Crozier, in an interview broadcast on BFM Business.
“This is the first time we try to make such a deployment but for now, all is well, there is a lot of interest” is insured for its part a spokesman for the group, while warning that “it will take time” to update the 1.5 billion devices using Windows.
Objective: 2018
Five million users have already been able to test a beta version of Windows 10, but Microsoft has set a goal of having a billion devices equipped by 2018.
While some spoke some bugs or complained installation time, the specialized press reviews were generally positive Wednesday.
“New Era”
The event was marked by gatherings of “fans” organized by Microsoft in several cities around the world including Sydney and Beijing, as well as in some of the shops selling its products. The CEO of Microsoft, Satya Nadella, has himself followed the initial deployment from Africa, where he posted a video on his Twitter account. “Alarm in Nanyuki, Kenya, for the start of Windows 10 … inspired here by students and educators” , he said.
In an interview broadcast Wednesday on the BBC, Mr Nadella said that Windows 10 “was not just a new version (operating system), but the beginning of a new era “.
Microsoft Windows 10 with big plays, especially after the failure of predecessor Windows 8 that was supposed to mark its entry into the mobile, but was shunned by consumers and especially by companies.
Errors are repaired, including the reintroduction of very symbolic “start menu”, whose disappearance had baffled many longtime Windows users.
Digital Additions
Windows 10 also hopes to attract with new features such as biometric identification or a virtual assistant, Cortana.
Above all, he wants universal, as adapted to the PC to the smartphone via the Xbox video game console or virtual reality goggles.
Walking is high
For many analysts, this will however not be enough to catch up to Apple and Google, whose operating systems, iOS and Android, now dominate the mobile market.
“Microsoft lost the war of smartphones” , believes Ian Fogg, an analyst at research firm IHS Technology.
He said the US group has understood and has also adapted its strategy to reflect this, especially when “proposes its key applications like Office or Halo for systems Operating smartphone rivals “.
PCs gloomy
If it does not do any miracle to Microsoft in Mobile, Windows 10 could perhaps give some energy to the PC market, the sales were down for more than three years.
It will not motivate consumers alone to buy a computer, but “the hype surrounding Windows 10, advertising campaigns and marketing will bring a welcome focus on client PC” , Judge Craig Stice, another analyst IHS. Above all, it should convince businesses, “even though these markets typically wait 12-18 months to renew (their devices), waiting to be sure that all bugs are resolved” .