Friday, July 24, 2015

A “Land bis” Discovery: 3 questions to learn all about Kepler-452b – TF1

• Why Kepler-452b is a cousin of the Earth?

“It is a discovery very important because it is the first rocky planet apparently observed that is habitable and is orbiting a solar-type star. ” Jeff Coughlin, an astronomer at the SETI Institute of Research (SETI), does not hide his joy after the presentation of Kepler-452b. For him, this exoplanet is simply “the most similar to Earth found so far.”

And it is true that they are alike. Kepler-452b orbits a star 385 days, with characteristics very similar to those of the Sun. This star is only 4% more massive and 10% brighter than our sun. “We did not feel out of place on this planet in terms of solar radiation that are similar to those we have on Earth,” said Jon Jenkins, one of the leaders of NASA .

It is likely to be rocky with a thick atmosphere and a large amount of water. It could also experience volcanic activity, according to scientists. It is however larger than Earth, with a radius 60% larger than that of our planet. Its severity is more important but not insurmountable according to Jon Jenkins indicating that humans can adapt.
• Are there has to life on Kepler-452b?

It is not impossible! Its orbital characteristics make it habitable in any case. Its atmosphere is similar to ours. And if it has water, life could develop. But this, scientists do not. On the other hand, we do not know the exact temperatures prevailing on its surface. “If Kepler 452b is a rocky planet, its position relative to its star could indicate that it has entered a period of strong warming in the history of the climate,” said Doug Caldwell, a SETI astronomer. But how? In any case, life would have had ample time to develop on this exoplanet. Kepler-452b is very old, it has 6 billion years 1.5 billion years older than Earth.
• Where is it and can we go?

It is not tomorrow the day! Kepler-452b is far, far, very far far away … It is in the constellation Cygnus. For example, Pluto, the planet of our solar system farthest from Earth is more than 4 billion kilometers from home. it’s a lot ? Not really, it’s not even a thousandth of a light year. Well, Kepler-452b is itself at 1400 light years. It is 2.8 million times more distant than Pluto, calculated the World. Go there with our technology level therefore appears simply impossible.


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