Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Strasbourg jihadist die seven convicted Alsatians – The Point

Sept Alsatians, who visited Syria between December 2013 and April 2014, were sentenced Wednesday in Paris to prison terms ranging from six to nine years in prison in the trial of this jihadist die Strasbourg.

the heaviest sentence was pronounced against Karim Mohamed Fouad Aggad whose brother was the trip to Syria, was identified as one of the suicide bombers in the attacks Bataclan November 13.

Their sentences for criminal association in relation with a terrorist enterprise, carry a minimum term of two thirds. The Paris court also ordered the roster of the perpetrators of terrorist offenses, launched last Friday.

They are the first to be included in any case after a conviction.

the penalties imposed are less than the requisitions prosecutors had asked for sentences of eight and ten years in prison.

“We expect to appeal,” said lawyer Karim Mohamed Aggad, Ms. Francoise Cotta. For him, it is “a court orders that ruled in fear of a France that is afraid.”

Taher Radwan, described by the prosecution, with Karim Mohamed Aggad as a group leader who has contacted the recruiter Fares Mourad, was sentenced to eight years imprisonment. “It punishes the potential danger,” lamented his lawyer, Xavier Nogueras, the judges “did not look what they became in the meantime”

-. “Radical Approach “-

the seven defendants, aged 24 to 27 years,” know very well that their fate depends somewhat on what is happening outside, “added the lawyer

During the discussion, which took ten days in late may and early June, the defendants, some wearing a beard and sometimes displaying a smirk, others shaven cheeks and making a dark mine, have their lawyers tried to dispel the shadow of the killings of 13 November.

During the trial, the young people were divided into two boxes, one bringing together four bearded defendants, most severely in the applications referred ; another three hairless men. All stressed they were returned to France after two to three months in Syria for not taking part in the fighting between rebel groups.

They tried to convince the court that they were on course to “fight” the Syrian regime and join their recruiter Fares Mourad, they did not want to specifically join the jihadist group Islamic State (EI). One assured that their expedition had a “religious veneer.”

“It’s a price to pay,” said the last day of the trial-Karim Mohamed Aggad speaking decade required against him, adding. “We try to scare people”

“Let them come to show me that he presents a real danger on terrorism in France,” pleaded Mr. Cotta . pointing to his client, accused most scrutinized this trial

Karim Mohamed Aggad is in prison in France – Strasbourg seven were arrested in May 2014 – when her brother stayed with IE. He told Foued: “It is you who royalties me with Allah.” And also: “I feel that the product + daechien + enters my veins”

A detention report, much criticized by his defense, this young man of 25 with a thick beard and shiny curls. as a “boss” in detention.

in its judgment, the court held that persisted in him a “radical approach”.

06/07/2016 4:35:43 p.m. – Paris (AFP) – AFP © 2016


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