Friday, July 8, 2016

Warning about the dangers of radio frequencies for children – The World

Le Monde | • Updated | By

Wireless Technologies, caution! This is the warning launched at the address of the parents as the government, the National Agency of Health Security of Food, Environment and Labour (Anses) in an expert report on RF exposure and the health of children, published Friday, July 8. It points in particular “possible effects on cognition and well-being” , which led her to advocate “moderate use and Box” of these technologies.

in 2013, ANSES had already made a general opinion in which it recommended reducing children’s exposure to radio frequencies emitted by mobile phones. Will this time further, by focusing on the potential effects of electromagnetic fields from multiple sources that the young are subject: mobile phones and tablets for children, but also radio-controlled toys (cars, locomotives, cuddly toys …), robots communicating, walkie-talkies, sleep-baby (baby) and other monitoring devices (such as bracelets emitting a signal when the toddler away from a given area).

it’s hard to measure how much this battery object is present in the French children’s bedrooms. There are no figures on household equipment rate in radio-controlled toys or baby monitors. The percentage of girls and boys who have a mobile phone is not known. We only know that among their elders, 12 to 17 years, the share of individuals with a smartphone has jumped 22% in 2011 to 55% in 2013.

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increasingly early use

However, the report, “ available data show a very strong expansion of the use of new wireless technologies, especially in very young children. “ They have their own mobile phone ” increasingly early, even if the first use is rarely before the age of seven. “ also ” the multiplicity and diversity of crowded places (home, school, public places, sports and cultural facilities) generate very different exposure situations. “ So that early, and even ” from the development phase In utero , most are exposed to sources ” placed . close and sometimes body contact “

Now, more the emitting source is close – in the case of mobile glued to his ear or baby monitor installed in the cradle – and the greater the amount of radiation, that is to say of energy absorbed by the head or by the tissues of the human body is important. Not to mention the possible effects other than thermal, and very little is known, electromagnetic fields

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cognitive functions and wellness

the panel focused on children under six years, for which there are few studies in international scientific literature. He therefore considered available data on radio frequency exposure during all phases of the development of the individual, since the period In utero to the end of adolescence. It also considered the work carried out on animals. And he scrutinized the possible health effects, assessing, for each of the “standard of proof” .

It shows that “Current data do not allow to conclude whether or not an effect of radio frequency in children, “ in terms of behavior, auditory function, development, reproductive system, immune system and systemic toxicity (non-localized biological effect). It is the same for carcinogenic and teratogenic (causing birth defects).

This does not mean that such effects are excluded, only that the level of evidence is insufficient to determine. In 2011, the World Health Organization (WHO) has classified radiofrequency as “possibly carcinogenic to humans” . And ANSES recalls that in 2013 it had established a “possible effect” radio frequency on the occurrence of gliomas (brain tumors) for intensive mobile phone users. The literature does not allow to be assertive in the specific case of children

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however, the experts conclude that “a possible effect of radiofrequency on cognitive function of the child” , such as memory, attention, psychomotor skills or language . on this point, they say, “the results showing the acute effects [short-term] are based on experimental studies whose methodology is well controlled . “

They ask the same diagnosis of ” possible effect “ the ” welfare “ children, a defined state the lack of sleep disorders or symptoms such as fatigue, stress, anxiety, irritability, difficulty concentrating or headaches. However, they note that “these effects may be related to the use of mobile phones rather than radio frequencies they emit” . In other words, dark circles, headaches and concentration problems resulting perhaps simply time flew sleep by the use of laptops.

Review the regulation

Although for most envisaged disorders or pathologies, the results are inconclusive, the Committee of experts calls for increased vigilance. “Children are not miniature adults, says Olivier Merkel, responsible for new technologies to ANSES and coordinator of . Because of their smaller size, their anatomical and morphological characteristics and the characteristics of some of their tissues, they are more exposed. In particular, the peripheral areas of their brains are more vulnerable than adults to RF. “ Dosimetric studies have also demonstrated a greater exposure of the bone marrow in children.

ANSES therefore recommends that all radio equipment, particularly for youth are made subject “to the same regulatory obligations to control exposure levels and public information as framing mobile phones” , which is currently not the case. It also calls for “reassess the adequacy” of the indicator which today is used to measure the exposure of users – specific absorption flow rate (SAR) – and develop ” a representative indicator of actual exposure, whatever the conditions of use “.

in addition, as regards both the radiofrequency generated by distant sources (antenna-relay, radio and television transmitters), it recommends “reconsider the regulatory exposure limits,” to ensure “sufficiently large safety margins” to protect children’s health. Countries such as Canada and the Netherlands have already lowered these limits, but the French Parliament did not follow this example in the law on the waves of January 2015.

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If such measures under French or European law, ANSES provides advice to parents:

“Encourage children to a reasonable use of the mobile phone, avoiding nighttime communications and reducing the frequency and duration of calls. “

” For once, things are moving in the right direction, welcomes Janine Le Calvez, president of the association for a regulation of masts mobile phone (Priartem) . The report advanced the health issues we raise long. We finally have the feeling of being listened to. It remains to implement the recommendations, starting with the removal of wireless devices in primary schools. “


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