In two weeks, Sony will hold a conference, surely to present his famous PlayStation 4 Neo. Rumors are nevertheless increasingly insistent about a more compact version of the standard PS4, while production of the latter would have been slowed or even halted.
Year End Celebrations fast approaching and it is time for Sony to start sharpening their weapons. The Japanese manufacturer has just held a major conference on September 7, at which we should learn more about the brand strategy. The high mass is more than expected for the time, Sony has not yet responded to the arrival of the Xbox One S on the market, which boasts of being the Ultra HD Blu-ray player cheapest on the market.
the shortages in rising sun
If an official announcement of the famous PlayStation 4 Neo nobody surprise at this conference, Sony may well have prepared something a little more unexpected, if we look at the sources of our colleagues in the Wall Street Journal . The teams of the business daily, usually well informed, and have heard of major changes in the Sony distribution channels in Japan.
In many stores on the islands, it is now difficult to find a PlayStation 4 to sell. “ We sold our last model in stock. Our central purchasing warned us that we should have not just yet, simply because the product is not available in the distribution channels , “said a store manager for our colleagues. Even the Japanese online store Sony is subject to stockouts on the PlayStation 4 . A situation more unusual. According to our colleagues, the manufacturer would have limited or completely stopped production of its flagship console.
To Rental of a PS4 “slim”
Why stop production of a console that has sold over 40 million copies in less than three years? Simply to ensure his succession explains the Wall Street Journal . According to the business daily, Sony indeed prepare the launch of a compact version of his PlayStation 4 , which, like Xbox one could embark review engraved in 16 nm its APU, to reduce consumption and production costs. The announcement of this new model would then take place at the PlayStation Meeting of 7 September.
Moreover, many pictures of this version seems to have leaked, from multiple sources (including through a small site ads in the UK and via NeoGAF), as noted by our colleagues Gamekult. What make plausible the idea of a near imminent launch for this new model, which according to rumor could be accompanied by a new controller, it also more compact. As for the PS4 Neo, it is still held far from prying eyes.

Kevin Hottot
Journalist specializing in universe of gaming. Passionate Dogecoin, crowdfunding. Never travels without her pony.
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