Monday, August 8, 2016

900 million Android devices threatened by new vulnerabilities –

A new break , or rather a group of vulnerabilities, called QuadRooter, newly discovered Android. These theoretically would make vulnerable all devices running the mobile OS Google signed and who board a Qualcomm processor of the brand. In total 900 million devices could be affected.

Four vulnerabilities threaten hundreds of millions of Android devices

New Android security flaws were revealed by check Point, an Israeli company specializing in iT security solutions at the DefCon, which took place last weekend. QuadRooter baptized, these four faults are potentially dangerous because they allow an attacker to take control of the devices with a Qualcomm processor, be it a smartphone or tablet.

Check Point has revealed the existence of these flaws publicly until recently but Qualcomm had already been warned just a few months. The chipmaker has been working to correct these flaws and all his side was made to fill them. It is the turn of the manufacturers and Google to deploy security updates. Google would have provided partially a current smartphone manufacturers to solution July, but it is still necessary that they do the work on their side and it seems that some of the devices are still vulnerable.

An application to test its machine

According to Google, three of the four flaws were corrected via an Android update, a new patch will be rolled out in September should load the last vulnerability. Meanwhile, Check Point advises users to pay particular attention to applications they will install on their device.

In addition, the Israeli company released on the Play Store QuadRooter Scanner tool to check whether the device is affected or not by QuadRooter

Photo credits:. Pexels


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