Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Apple wants to convince you that the iPad Pro is a real computer – 01net.com

The tablets are selling less. IDC has released figures for the second quarter 2016. In one year, the fall was severe with a decline of 12.3%. This situation is partly explained by the arrival of smartphones with screens increasingly large – starting with the iPhone 6 and 6s. But for manufacturers, there is hope: that of hybrid laptops. Also according to IDC, this category of tablets – often for professionals – is the only one to experience growth. In this context, Apple has released a new ad featuring his iPad Pro. The company now sells it as a full computer.

In the images, the tablet comes with its keyboard Smart Keyboard, echoing what can propose competitors like Microsoft and Lenovo. But for Apple, the bias will be more difficult to bear. As we mentioned at the time of our test, the iPad Pro has many weapons to compete with a Portable PC, starting with the display quality or power. But the limits set by iOS might not convince the customers of the brand.

The operating software is primarily designed for mobile use. Among the major shortcomings, a management much less flexible multitasking on Windows or Mac OS, the lack of a real file system and an explorer … and of course a lack of openness on downloading applications .

in late July, Apple reported its quarterly sales figures. Side shelves, there was a 9% drop in units sold. A decline also observed by IDC, which counts 10 million units sold between April and June 2016, against 11 million last year. In contrast, revenues tablet sales increased 7% over the same period. The average value of sold iPad is increasingly important. The arrival of the iPad Pro is certainly not there for nothing.


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