Thursday, August 4, 2016

France-Nice The bombing was a 85th victim – Boursorama

 PARIS, Aug. 4 (Reuters)  – The results of the Nice attack on July 14  on the Promenade des Anglais has risen to 85  people, said Thursday the president of the  Republicans Paca region Christan Estrosi.  “All my thoughts for the girl, the family  and relatives of Peter Hattermann who just died.  85th disappeared after the attack in Nice”  writes Chistian Estrosi on his Twitter account.  Pierre Hattermann was on the Promenade des Anglais  with several members of his family, when Mohamed  Lahouaiej-Bouhlel rammed them with his truck. He  succumbed to his injuries. The death of his wife  Françoise was announced shortly after the attack.  His 13 year old son, Elouan, it has been missing  for four days before his death is confirmed.  Leane, her 14-year-old remains hospitalized by  Nice-Matin. (Gerard Bon) 


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