Tuesday, August 12, 2014

With “Listen Now”, Google is advertising for online music – BFMTV.COM

“Listen Now” is the name of a new type of advertising to online music services that Google would be being tested, according to the Wall Street Journal. This new feature of the search engine would allow users to more easily access the services of online music platforms like Apple Beats Music, Spotify, but especially Google Play, from a search on an artist, song or album.

So, will appear in a box at the top right, along with some photos, a brief biography a discography of the artist, a link “Listen Now” to multiple audio listening options with Google Play figurehead.

A direct competition with iTunes

This feature introduced by the multinational aims to directly strengthen further its influence in the music industry online, where it is now badly overtaken by the Apple brand.

In fact, this new service is basically advertising, and has been designed to facilitate the process of buying music online, said the Wall Street Journal . Already appearing on the USA version of Google, the “Listen Now” shows a list of services that allow music streaming free listening as desired, while Google Play, topped the list, offered him download the song for 0.99 $ .

Google paid by Spotify

The advertisers could already buy ads for music, but this group in the same space makes them more readable and intelligible. A little help has a price for client platforms: each time someone clicks on a link belonging to the streaming service Google pays the price of advertising

A exchange. good processes already revealed satisfactory results according to the spokesperson of the firm: “We are pleased to help users quickly find legal sources for favorite movies, music, and more via the Google search “. The Mountain View company has already conducted similar experiments in February on a service for video called “Watch Now.”

More and more pubs targeted

A new feature that will provide an opportunity for Google to clarify even more targeted advertising its search engine to push more and more users to consume. Le Figaro points out that this principle is already proving itself with advertisements on the hotel industry, “Hotels Ads”, which display prices and availability and allow users to book a click

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