Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Immigration: Trump in turmoil, Obama gives voice – Obs

Washington (AFP) – Isolated, widely criticized, including by his predecessor, u.s. president Donald Trump has defended Monday its decision to close the borders to citizens of seven muslim countries and swept the critics of a reverse of sleeve.

At the time of the demonstrations and the denunciations – of the political world to the business world – against the decrees of the administration Trump multiply, Barack Obama said he was encouraged by “the level of mobilization” across the country.

The former democratic president had promised to stay out of the political debate unless “the core values” of America were threatened: only ten days after his departure from the White House, it was judged that it was already the case.

“The president (Obama) is in fundamental disagreement with the notion of discriminating against individuals because of their beliefs or their religion,” said his spokesman, Kevin Lewis.

Wall Street ended down (Dow Jones -0,61%, Nasdaq -0,83%). “There is clearly a great discomfort”, a summary Bill Lynch of Hinsdale Associates. “It is, perhaps, the end of the honeymoon”.

In fact, a number of major groups, in particular those in Silicon Valley who employ thousands of engineers are foreign – Apple, Microsoft, Google, Airbnb or Netflix – have deemed “contrary to american values,” the decrees of the former business man of New York became president.

Goldman Sachs, one of the most powerful banks in the world, including former leaders have been appointed to influential positions within the administration Trump, criticized in turn Monday by the presidential decree.

- “Stuck in Khartoum” -

From around the world, the testimonies tributary of nationals of the countries concerned by the restrictions that denounce, between sadness, disbelief and anger, the action abruptly put in place by the new american administration.

Eltirmizy Mohamed, doctor of sudan 34-year-old, who just spent three years of training at Atlanta (Georgia), would find this State of the american South to settle there. The decree Trump the cut dead in her tracks.

“I cared for many homeless and poor Americans during the three years that I spent in the United States”, he says. “I had planned to go to work in the rural areas of Georgia where the need for physicians is enormous. But I find myself stuck in Khartoum”, he says.

On the defensive, the republican president has, in a salvo of tweets early Monday, implicated, in a jumble, a computer failure in the airline Delta, the events or the reactions falsely offended, according to him, the number of elected members of Congress to explain the situation in u.s. airports.

“Everything is going well with very few problems,”-he said, against any evidence.

Visibly eager to attract media attention on a subject of wider consensus within his own camp, the business man in his seventies, has decided to move on to Tuesday, 48 hours, the announcement of its candidate to fill the ninth seat of judge of the supreme Court.

But even in that area, the street is booming. Hundreds of protesters gathered Monday evening in front of the high court, on Capitol hill, chanting slogans such as “No hate, no fear, refugees are welcome”.

Diplomats in “dissent” -

never seen less than two weeks after the inauguration of the president, several us diplomats have protested against the decree, using a channel official said, “dissent”.

The employees of the department have the right to’express their opinions candidly and confidentially with their hierarchy,” said the spokesman of american diplomacy Mark Toner.

But the White House has little appreciated: “Either they accept the program, they go,” said Sean Spicer, a spokesman for Donald Trump.

The u.s. president had not tasted either the output of Sally Yates, the minister of Justice acting, which was ordered on Monday to the prosecutors in a memo not to defend the decree (anti-immigration).

beyond The United States, the wave of indignation raised by the initiative of the White House did not diminish.

German chancellor Angela Merkel has estimated that the fight against terrorism does not justify in any way “to generalize the suspicion against people on the basis of their belief, in the case of people of muslim faith”.

in The United Kingdom, a petition signed by over 1.4 million people asked the government to cancel the State visit of Donald Trump to be scheduled in the year, the government has excluded.

tens of thousands of people have protested in London against the decree.

it signed on Friday by Donald Trump, banned for 90 days for nationals of seven muslim-majority countries considered breeding grounds of terrorists by Washington to enter on the territory of the united states: Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen.

The executive of the us, has also assured the united Nations that their employees could continue to enter the United States even if they were of the seven muslim countries.

The minister of Justice of the State of Washington (northwest) filed a complaint requesting the immediate cessation of the application of the decree.

“no one is above the law, not even the president”, said the minister, democrat Bob Ferguson in a press conference. “And to the court, this is not always the one who speaks the loudest wins. It is the Constitution.”


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