Monday, January 16, 2017

The next update of Windows 10 will only boost the performance of video games –

Announced at the conference Microsoft this fall, the next big update of Windows 10 will be “creative” to honour… but also, the gamers. In a post published on the blog Xbox, Mike Ybarra, one of the captains of the Division of Xbox, has announced the arrival of a new mode in the operating system, the Game Mode, as well as a good part of the new features on both the Xbox One (implantation of the Beam) on the app Xbox for PC.

Although Microsoft does not give more information on the operation or the physical manifestations of the Game Mode, the next Build is pushed toward the Windows Insider users-testers of Microsoft, would allow them to have a glimpse of first glimpse. “With the Game Mode, the goal is to optimize the PC Windows 10 to improve their performance in games“. Difficult to do more… enigmatic.

However, the site has released some screenshots where one clearly sees the option Game Mode available… but is not yet functional.

A profile of the OS optimized for the game ?

according To some rumors and overlap, the Game Mode might force Windows 10 to run on the same model as the Xbox OS : when a game is executed on the console, the OS re-allocates some of its logical resources and material to the process necessary to the execution of the game. In practice, the applications or processes that vampirisent unnecessarily the resources of the processor, memory or graphics card could be closed or put into hibernation deep as soon as the Game Mode would be enabled.

According to some developers, this mode is already partially at work in the console of Microsoft as included in one of the devkits. This could for example explain why Battlefield 1 rotates at a definition higher than Battlefront on the Xbox One, although these titles were both developed by DICE and will use the same engine.

Some observers feared that only the games UWP (Universal Windows Platform) as the recent Forza Horizon 3 or Gears of War 4 can benefit from the Game Mode. The announcement from Microsoft does not seem to put the games called “Win32″, that is to say, all the others away. Case to follow !

Sources : and Wccftech


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