Wednesday, January 18, 2017

The French campaign of Sheryl Sandberg, ceo of Facebook –

Star of the Silicon Valley, “role model” for many women in the world of start-up, Sheryl Sandberg, 47 years old, is also – since last year – one of the few women billionaires at the head of a fortune (not inherited) of $ 1.4 billion, according to Forbes magazine. Before heading to the Davos Forum, where the technology and social networks should be at the heart of debates this year, and it will include Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft, Jack Ma (Alibaba), Satya Nadella (Microsoft), Meg Whitman (Hewlett Packard Enterprise) and Ginni Rometty (IBM), the general director of Facebook, was raised a day in the French capital, on Tuesday 17 January. And she has not been idle!

good morning, in the cold of the old halle Freyssinet renamed the Station “F”, in the Xiiith arrondissement of Paris, this is the number 2 of Facebook to the sides of Xavier Niel, founder of Free and the owner of the premises that he is going to turn into a incubator for start-ups, Roxanne Varza, the director of the future campus, and Anne Hidalgo, the mayor of Paris. The reason for his presence: Sheryl Sandberg must announce the establishment, by Facebook, of a “start-up Garage” which will open at the same time as the Station F, in April of next year. A “world first” for the group founded by Mark Zuckerberg, she says, whose objective will be to support a fortnight of “innovative start-ups” that will be hosted each for six months. The lucky ones, whose activity must be oriented towards the exploitation of data, which can benefit offices, advice from mentors, from Facebook, from courses and workshops. “An investment of several m illion euros,” says the company.

Storytelling of his success

a Few hours later, it is not far from the Bastille that Sheryl Sandberg landed with his teams, such as Laurent Solly, general director of the French subsidiary of Facebook, in a place far more cosy: the registered office of the company investment The Family, at the invitation of Alice Zagury, co-founder. More than 2,000 creative start-ups and leaders in digital and large groups are available. “A few men”, playing the leader, who comes here to provide its audience the energy and the inspiration. She, who has participated in the round table companies, high-tech, organized at the Trump Tower by the new president, on the 14th of December last, did not focus on the result of an election that has been deprived of a likely cabinet position: “Yes, I supported Hillary,” she said. But since Trump there is, it is necessary to do well with. “In France, as in my country, there is a tradition of free expression, and the best response to speech we dislike, is to tak e us-even the speech that we should be.”

Think positive: this is the new slogan of Sheryl Sandberg, who has had to deal with the sudden loss of her husband in 2015, and is preparing a book on adversity and resilience, plan B, to be published this year. His previous book, Lean In (French : forward, all! published by Lattès, and then in paperback in 2014), has been a best-seller. Clearly a feminist (but never hostile to men, she says each time), the leader has put in place a network of international women, “Lean in Circles”, which consist of 30,000 members in the world and that an antenna exists in Paris: objective, enable women to support each other in their projects. The last network to date, she says, is open… “Pakistan”. A real challenge.

Tirelessly, Sheryl Sandberg recounts her own success, referring to the conditions in which it is entry in Facebook, recruited by Mark Zuckerberg, “who was 23 years old and a reputation not extraordinary”. Her message to women: you have to learn to be bold, have confidence in yourself, to take care of his moral, but also “deconstruct stereotypes”. Thanks abound – “I wrote you an email and you responded in 5 minutes!” testifies a participant – and the applause are fed. Sheryl Sandberg has to start. Next step, “Sciences Po,” a great school, very focused on the development of gender studies, where she has already stepped in several times. This is his third appointment of the day. Has the key, the announcement of a new partnership of Facebook in Paris: the creation of a laboratory for innovation in public policy in the digital age.


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