Friday, December 19, 2014

Fabien Engelmann, the FN mayor of Hayange soon fixed on a … –

POLICY The Justice rules Friday on the fate of the mayor of Hayange (Moselle) that he is a victim of ” spiteful adversaries “and media …

Fabien Engelmann at the hearing to the Administrative Court on 16 XE9 d & #; & # xE0 December 2014; Strasbourg
Fabien Engelmann at the hearing the tribunal December 16, 2014 in Strasbourg – Frederik Florin AFP

DB with AFP

He had made about him by becoming mayor of Hayange (Moselle) after a trade union experience to the CGT. Fabien Engelman was declared ineligible for one year Friday by the Strasbourg administrative court because of its irregularities of campaign accounts.

The court found that he had ” committed a particularly serious breach of the rules governing the financing of election campaigns. ” Fabien Engelmann, 35, had ended in March ahead of the second round of municipal elections with 34.7% of the vote to the outgoing Socialist mayor Philippe David.

But in October, the National Audit Board campaign rejected his accounts and forwarded the case to the administrative court.

“A technical error” according to him

The public rapporteur, whose opinion is often followed, had advocated Tuesday one year of ineligibility. Of the 1,575 euros costs of creating and printing election leaflets, the applicant failed to include in its campaign accounts, the total reported was approximately 12,000 euros. The sum was advanced by a running mate, his former first deputy Marie Da Silva today into dissent. But Fabien Engelmann, it is a “technical error” and not a “fraud” as acknowledge Marie Da Silva.

“Fabien Engelmann can claim payments would have been made without his knowledge by his running mate because he produced no evidence to substantiate “this thesis, the magistrate said Tuesday Guénaëlle Haudier. She also noted other irregularities in his campaign accounts, bringing the total to 1,939 undeclared euros, or 14.22% of its total expenditure. Now, in a similar case, a candidate was disqualified for not integrated into its accounts 14.6% of spending, she said.

The ineligibility of a year that it advocated would not come into effect immediately, Fabien Engelmann intending, if necessary, to exhaust all possible remedies to the Council of State. If the decision were to be upheld on appeal, the elect would be forced to resign but that does not automatically result in new elections. The council, which would enter instead of the mayor ousted the first unelected his list should then meet to elect a new mayor.

“My honor has been violated,” exclaims -it

Fabien Engelmann, who declined to be assisted by counsel, argued before the court his “sincerity” and “good faith”. “My honor was violated by spiteful enemies or opponents denying their commitments with me,” he lamented after the hearing.

“The media did not hesitate to accusing me of all evil: fraudster, schemer, trickster, incapable “, accused the political adviser to the Social Dialogue Marine Le Pen, who said he filed a complaint against Marie Da Silva, release and Lor’actu website, including “breach of privacy” and “defamation”.

“I have cheated anyone, neither scheming nor defrauded the state and even less people in the city, “said the mayor, who many of Evince FN politburo late November invokes Ms. Le Pen support.

But the controversy repeatedly in Hayange are also cringe in the governing bodies of the FN. Several party officials and criticize in private Fabien Engelmann, caring for its management of his city of nearly 16,000 inhabitants, devastated since the crisis of the Lorraine steel industry. In addition to the proceedings before the administrative court, the mayor’s campaign accounts are subject to a preliminary investigation prosecutors Thionville, opened in September following a complaint by Mary Da Silva.


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