Sunday, December 20, 2015

Christmas: An asteroid 2 km long be close Earth December 24! – High-Tech News




While the party Halloween could boast of having an Comet , Christmas will have, for him an asteroid. Indeed, as of December 24, a space object measuring 2 km long, will pass close to the Earth and without representing any danger. A passage that is not so rare that, as explained Mark E. Bailey, the Observatory’s director implanted Armagh in Northern Ireland.

Object Space should increase to about 28 times the distance separating Earth from the Moon (which is 384,400 kilometers!) “It can be expected, almost every year, visits to several objects of this size at such a distance” told AFP Mark E. Bailey, the director of the Armagh Observatory in Northern Ireland.

But we must believe that the universe maintains its calendar. Like the comet (dead) Halloween, on October 31, which was passed at a distance of about 500,000 kilometers from Earth, equivalent to 1.3 times the distance separating us from the Moon. Anyway, here’s a gift we made the cosmos. What we put stars in your eyes.

An asteroid discovered in 2003

The SD220 2003, is not new since it has been discovered by scientists during the 2003 and will therefore move to 500 000 kilometers from Earth, or 28 times the distance that separates it from the moon. This represents a tiny distance scale of the universe. According to experts, many space objects pass close to the earth in the course of the year. And fortunately “Christmas Asteroid” is not dangerous for us and for our environment.

Another asteroid is expected for 2029

A future asteroid grazing land is expected to 2029. The asteroid Apophis baptized should move to a distance of about ten times less than the distance between the moon from the earth. Or, like the SD220 2003, this asteroid will represent no threat to our system.

Christmas can thus boast of having had to pass an asteroid a few kilometers from the earth on the evening of December 24. Pont concerns however in homes that can celebrate Christmas with family and without any hassle because that space object will only move to continue its path in the maze of the space .

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