View image synthesis of Philae lander. – ESA / ATG medialab

Armelle Le Goff

the inevitable ’2015 years, he would not miss them! Enjoy, these are the last:)

And if all was not lost for Philae? This famous robot, placed on the Tchouri comet for more than one year, which could not be reached by scientists since last July, might wake up by January. It is certainly hoped that researchers who want to fly the mission

& gt;. & Gt; To understand everything about the Rosetta mission: find here our 21 minutes

Merry Christmas. Sandrine, a mother of Evron, in Mayenne, was offered by his co-workers a Christmas present before the time: days off

& gt;. & gt; Read also: Give RTT his colleague: How the system will work

Thanks to them, it will be able to devote all his time to care for her son, made in November a brain tumor. All history is found here … you think your colleagues would they be willing to do the same?

Since the terrorist attacks of 13 November in Paris, many elements of the investigation were revealed, unveiling the organization and motivation of commandos involved. On Monday, more than a month after the attacks that killed 130 people, Le Figaro publishes new findings of the investigation report. Including the use of human shields by the commando intervened in the Bataclan concert hall. The jihadists would also seized the mobile phones of their victims “to initiate surreal negotiations with the police,” according to Le Figaro

& gt;. & Gt; Bombings in Paris: The wife of a suicide bomber Bataclan said he was “proud” of her husband
