Saturday, December 19, 2015

We expect the visit of an asteroid at Christmas –

asteroid of 2 km in length will pass “proximity” of the Earth on December 24. The object, dubbed 2003 SD220, was discovered in 2003. The Paris Observatory, however, reassured by explaining that there is no danger of collision and that this will be an opportunity to observe it carefully.

Visiting an asteroid at Christmas

The asteroid 2003 SD220 is well known by astronomers since it had been observed for the first time in 2003 and that his journey in space is followed by scientists since. This December 24 he will pass “near” Earth, at a distance of about 28 times that which separates us from the moon.

This type of asteroid passage is not exceptional, “ can be expected, every year or so, several objects of this size at such a distance visits “, explained the director of the Armagh Observatory in Northern Ireland, Mark E. Bailey. The comet that made our visit was for Halloween, she moved to a much smaller distance, about 500 000 km.

Astronomers will enjoy the passage of the asteroid to observe and learn a little more about its structure. This will not be the last time the subject will be observed, “ Its orbit will bring it eventually to visit us four more times in the next 12 years ” determined the . Jet Propulsion Laboratory of NASA

A huge asteroid but harmless

The asteroid’s trajectory is monitored and the Paris Observatory is reassuring stating, “ It is not on our list of risk items. There is no danger, can be quiet, relaxed and enjoy Christmas “.

The next rendezvous with an asteroid will be in 2029, with that Apophis will pass close , about 30 000 km.

 Photo credits: Flickr


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