Saturday, May 28, 2016

Lorient celebrates the start of Tara to coral reefs – Ouest-France

Tara Pacific Saturday, 18 h 30, the legendary schooner will leave Lorient, port home for ten years. Groix management for a blessing. Then head south of the Azores to take the wind and join Miami. Panama Canal to the archipelago of Japan, New Zealand, China, Tara will tour the world in wide along the Pacific for two and a half years.

Tara rises Lorient harbor anchor to study  coral reefs

Work in the long term Objective: to study coral reef prey to climate change. “We will take our time to sample. And we will make the collection at high speed, between six and ten knots, “warned Samuel Audrain, one of two captains on the mission (find his portrait tomorrow in Dimanche Ouest-France). This new mission is a reflection of a long-term work. A year working the operational phase, one to structure the scientific consortium (26 labs): it is logical that Lorient celebrated his departure in the outer harbor

. with Océanopolis in partnership with the Oceanographic museum of Brest, animations around coral reefs and their critical role in ocean biodiversity.

10 h to 17 h 30, the Tara Pacific pavilion, on the esplanade of the outer harbor.

a conference It’s Romain Trouble, general manager of the founding of Tara Expeditions, Serge Planes, scientific director and Samuel Audrain, captain of the schooner, which will present the new expedition.

from 11 am to 12 pm at Pavillon Tara Pacific

sound Creations a sound immersion in marine world and the world of expeditions past and present will be offered with the new review Reliefs . Stories of ancient explorations will take you on a journey into the coral reefs and atolls alongside the Nautilus and Captain Nemo before boarding expedition Valdivia in 1898 …

from 10 am to 17 pm at the pavilion Tara Pacific.

multiple initiations on the occasion of the departure of the schooner the public will have the choice between movies: introduction to Stand-up Paddle with the nautical center of Lorient; Navigation initiation Tahitian canoes with Breizh Polynésia association; demonstrations and introduction to Tahitian dance with the Breizh Polynésia association; Discovery Marquesas tattoo shop Henua Tiki Tattoo Lorient. With two artists who embarked on Tara, two drawing workshops are offered, one around a technique to Japanese ink and the other color around the Pacific Ocean.

from 14 h h from 30 to 17 on the esplanade.

at the time of departure from the jetty of outer harbor, around 17 h 45, boaters are invited to accompany Tara for his exit from the harbor and departure to sea, under 18 h 30. A haka will be proposed by the Breizh Polynésia association at the time of departure the schooner.

with Factory Ducks Factory Ducks propose a stroll downtown. It will arrive in the outer harbor to 17 h. From 18 h 30, the band, which we will discover the new album, will join the Alambig Elektrik for a health concert goodbye to the schooner. MAPL signed a programming.


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