The final word for Satya Nadella: “We want that people go to the stage of having to Windows, Windows to want to fall in love with Windows.” With Windows 10, apps Android / iOS and Hololens, the charm offensive has started rather well
The first tests will take place tomorrow.
8:15 p.m.: Hololens he is the future of computing
It is a helmet all in one: no cable to a PC, the Internet is built, everything happens over the eyes, as Minority Report, and it is handled with voice and gestures
20h00: Back to the future with Hololens
C ‘Microsoft is augmented reality glasses. Alex Kipman, his boss does not look like your typical engineer. The demo of “holographic computing” is quite impressive, with very well integrated 3D objects over the real. Not just to play, but also for its timing or emails around. Not sure the general public really wants, but it’s still a geek’s dream. For architects, designers, surgeons etc.
7:40 p.m.. Project Spartan is called Microsoft Edge
We were waiting, here is the official name of Microsoft’s browser: Edge. Internet Explorer can die in agony
19:30. The Android and iOS apps will be able to operate Windows 10 (with some tweaking)
The rumor was true: Microsoft will provide a tool for translating Android app (in Java and C ++) and iOS ( Objective C) so they run under Windows 10. It smartphones’ll have to see the details, and if it works with all apps, but it’s big: it would solve the biggest problem on Windows Mobile: the lack of ‘apps
7:20 p.m.. The promise of universal apps
Microsoft’s equation is simple: a single app, a unique code, multiple devices. With Windows 10, developers can create an app running on smartphone, tablet, PC or Xbox.
7:15 p.m.: Microsoft wants 1 billion users in Windows 10 in 2 years
It’s ambitious. It starts with a free update. And Microsoft will put the package to help businesses upgrade
7:10 p.m.. 1.5 billion Windows users
Microsoft wants to remind its platform still has enough to compete with iOS and Android. Mobile, it’s more complicated, but with its universal apps, Microsoft promises developers they can touch everyone, from smartphones to tablets to PCs.
7:05 p.m.: WINDOWS ON A PAST
” You waited patiemmement “jokes Nadella. No kidding. With this Windows 10, this is not the conf Build, Rebuild conf but for Microsoft. The reconstruction and reconqupête PC users. Windows 10 is
– designed as a
– to a single platform, from PCs to tablets, phones and even Raspberry Pi
– shop Windows Unified
19.00: Find the odd
Nadella proved he was agnostic and was ready to go for the users and developers where they are on iOS and Android.
6:50 p.m.: We go to Office
Nadella back on stage. Microsoft opens Office will become a platform. Translation: developers can create apps for Office. We recall that Office now brings in more money than Microsoft Windows
18h45:! Just kidding
One always talks about Azure. Microsoft has also not the most charismatic speakers. I think I will use the 3D printing service presented on stage for me to deliver a katana and commit seppuku.
18.30: Windows 10 should not delay
It is now more than an hour we are on the Cloud and Saas (software as a service or software in the Cloud by subscription). Microsoft should not be long before you upgrade to Windows 10. Who, reconnnaissons it interests us a little more.
6:15 p.m.: Visual Studio Code arrives on Mac and Linux
The room applauded. Microsoft continues its offensive on all platforms. The idea? Encode from any machine to any platform with apps “cross-platform”. With Azure as infrastructure and environment like Visual Studio
6:10 p.m.. Code still
If (continuous code)
take.a.nap == true;
// zzzzzzzzzzzz
18.00: zzzzzzzzzz
Microsoft did not really start with a bang. Code, code, code. At the same time, it is a developers conf
5:55 p.m.. Azure’s secret weapon Microsoft
It’s not sexy but services in the Cloud Microsoft represent a large portion of its revenues (More 25M%). On stage, was the cofounder of Docker, a startup that is worth more than a billion dollars. She makes “containers” that can deploy virtual in apps on any Linux server. Ok, we just lost 50% of the audience
5:50 p.m.. He is 40 years old , BASIC
Nostalgia with this tweet from Microsoft cofounder Paul Allen.
5:50 p.m.: The 3 central themes
– Build me a smart cloud (Internet of Things?)
– reinvent productivity and business (Office as a platform with apps)
– a “personal computing” more personal (Windows 10)
Nadella on stage:
17h45: music Developer
A musician is on stage to present their app: just scribbling notes on a score, and the software then creates the the cheek. “You can even write in C #,” he jokes (nerd alert, the musical note is a programming language).
5:40 p.m.: Developers Developers Developers
This is the refrain of the day. Nadella wants everyone developing for Windows. Students. Indie dev. Big boxes. “Microsoft has been created by developers,” he recalls
5:35 p.m.. C ‘ left
Satya Nadella in the place. For those who missed it, the new boss of Microsoft. Ballmer went to a heart attack as owner of the Los Angeles Clippers
5:30 p.m.. Welcome to all
This is do or die for Microsoft. Make or Break. Go big or go home. That’s all I have in sports metaphors ESPN. Joking aside, Windows 10 is a little Microsoft’s last chance to pass a comeback. The challenge convince developers not to ignore its platform. Things have changed in 10 years
IN IMAGES. The 40 Microsoft MS-DOS to Windows 10, is to discover here.
This is the season. After Facebook and before Google and Apple, Microsoft is holding its annual conference for developers in San Francisco. Wednesday and Thursday, the company will attempt to convince the world that Windows can become a platform that can compete with Android and iOS. Windows 10 PC users want to win and gain ground with universal mobile apps. This will be exciting without complicated hardware, and the company is expected to have a few surprises up its sleeve, including the side of the smartphone. Thursday, it should also give details of its futuristic glasses augmented reality Hololens. Add Office, the Cloud and the Xbox, and you have a busy schedule.
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