Thursday, June 2, 2016

Oxygen from the tchouri comet is older than our solar system – francetv info

This is a surprising discovery. Oxygen detected in October on tchouri comet is “older than the solar system and the interstellar medium comes” , according to a study published Wednesday CNRS June 1 in the journal The Astrophysical Journal Letters (English).

comets are aggregates of small ice particles, which are formed in the protosolar nebula (the cloud of gas and particulates that ended by giving birth to our solar system). The oxygen content in the “hair” of tchouri Yet older than this cosmic event, according to French researchers.

The ice was tchouri “bombed cosmic rays “ in the interstellar medium, ie the emptiness that existed before the creation of the solar system. “It melts some of the ice, H2O, and has created oxygen O” says Olivier Mousis, CNRS researcher at the Huffington Post. This oxygen is then remained a prisoner of the ice when it is reformed.

“In the solar system, plus a body, the less it has evolved concludes Olivier Mousis. comets therefore allow us to better understand the origin of the solar system, or whether they participated in the emergence of life on Earth. “

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