The social network has just announced a change to its algorithm in order to promote quality, especially to thwart touts articles.
As with Google, which has made quality contained a key to SEO websites, Facebook wants to do the same regarding the publications of the news of its users. Thus, the social network announced a change in its algorithm.
This announcement is primarily to hunt items touts the “click-bait” (“bait clicks”) that seek that ‘attract clicks by a catchy title without actually offer content popularity in clicks that made them naturally appear at the top of son chat even without actual quality.
This change is somewhere continuation of another decision to Facebook, setting up a system to reduce the impact of satirical sites such as The Onion, or to cleaning up last April which targeted publications deemed undesirable. In fact, the philosophy of the social network now seems firmly committed to quality over quantity.
While the network is primarily known for its light content such as vacation photos, unfortunately this privilege . kind of content at the expense of such articles
This is trying to set up under Facebook obviously has a purpose: to attract advertisers
Facebook makes hunting items touts
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