(Credit: Andrea Danti / Shutterstock)
Alvaro Pascual Leone says in the journal PLOS One: “We wanted see if it was possible to communicate directly between two people by reading brain activity of the first and then transmitting to another , and over vast distances, via communication systems as existing Internet. ”
In the experiment, One of the subjects was in India and one in France . One located in India wore electrodes on the head. The guinea pig has thought of a simple word like “Hi.” Her brain activity was recorded as an electroencephalogram.
The computer is then responsible for converting its data binary language (machine language) . The message is then sent to another computer in France and then sent to another guinea pig as bright flash. Guinea pigs in France could understand The LED message .
“We believe that the current direct interfaces between computers and the human brain will be possible in the not too distant future, allowing direct communication from brain to brain routinely and creating new opportunities in social relations. “
The researchers demonstrate the practicality of this discovery for the paralyzed. Soon two paralyzed can only communicate through a computer.
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