Wednesday, March 18, 2015

On Friday, the sun has an appointment with the Moon! – The Point

This is a rare astronomical event that is coming. Friday, above our heads, the Sun has made an appointment with the Moon will come in shadow mode, steal the show in daylight. And although the most striking spectacle of the total eclipse be reserved for residents of the Faroe Islands Danish – located midway between Norway, Scotland and Iceland – and the island of Spitsbergen in the Norwegian archipelago of Svalbard – close to the North Pole -, metropolitan France will also be very well placed. In the program, according to the observation site in France, the partial eclipse, which will be visible roughly between 9 am and noon, will reach 60% in the extreme south-east and Corsica, 78% in Paris and 80 % or more to the northwest, on the coast bordering the English Channel. Sun occultation levels that had been more

achieved since 2005 and will no longer be until at least 2026.


But by the way, how such a small satellite the Moon (3500 km in diameter) can he hide reach a star as big as our sun (1.39 million kilometers in diameter)? The answer is a happy coincidence: the star of the night, which is 400 times smaller than the orb of day, is about 400 times closer to Earth than it. Thus, if at the time of the new moon, it just between us and the Sun, its apparent diameter rivals that of the star. Depending on the circumstances (because the Earth-Moon distance and the distance Earth-Sun vary slightly due to the elliptical orbits our planet and its satellite), the Moon can then reach completely obscure the sun, resulting in one place a total solar eclipse or partially, it is called an annular eclipse when the Sun appears as a bright ring around the Moon.

Watch out!

On Friday morning, in the skies of France, while our star will be between 20 and 40 degrees east au above the horizon, the moon will nibble away at the Sun from right to left. Without a significant drop in brightness is done so far really felt. Thus, to observe, even in small doses and including cloudy days, spectacles ‘new eclipse bearing the CE mark will be mandatory, otherwise serious damage to the retina can lead to blindness . Also, unless you have a specifically adapted filter , cameras, binoculars, telescopes and other shooting objects will absolutely stay in the closet because they still increase the risk of eye burns. Morality, to revel in his own eyes the show, it will need to be prepared a minimum. Word to the wise!

Watch this animation of the Observatory of Paris showing how the shadow of the Moon will slide on Earth:


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