Tuesday, April 7, 2015

40 years Microsoft: Read the letter written by Bill Gates employees … – Clubic

Bill Gates beautiful no longer be the head of the company, now led by Satya Nadella who holds the position of CEO since February 2014, but the shadow of its founder still hangs over Microsoft. We invite you to discover in French the entire message from Bill Gates to employees of the firm, on the occasion of its 40th anniversary.

Tomorrow is On special day: Microsoft celebrates its 40th anniversary

Early on, Paul Allen and I had intended to set up a computer on every desk and in every home.. It was a bold idea, and many people thought we were crazy to think it possible. It’s amazing when you consider the way that IT has come from, and we can all be proud of the role played by Microsoft in this revolution.

Today, however, I think more than the future of Microsoft’s past. I am convinced that in the next decade, computing experience faster development than it has had so far. We already live in a multiplatform world where computing will spread more and more. We are approaching a point where computers and robots will see, move and interact naturally, which will unlock many new applications, and will give even more options to users.

Under the direction of Satya, Microsoft is better positioned than ever to lead this progress. We have the resources to go through and solve difficult problems. We are involved in every facet of today’s computers and have a deep commitment to the field of research. My role as technical advisor to Satya led me to spend the products reviewed; vision and talent I’ve seen have impressed me. The result is evident in products like Cortana, Skype Translator and Hololens – and these are just a few of the many innovations being

In the coming years, Microsoft has the opportunity to. reach more people and organizations around the world. The technology is still out of reach for many people, because it is complex or expensive, or just because they do not have access. So I hope you will think about what you can do to make the technology accessible to all power, connect people to each other and make available all data, even if the very particular notion of what is offered PC makes its way into most devices.

We have accomplished many things during our first 40 years and has the means to countless companies and individuals to realize their full potential. Thank you for helping Microsoft to be the great company it is today and for decades to come.


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