Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Dailymotion: Vivendi made an offer while PCCW abandons … – Generation NT

In 2013, Arnaud Montebourg , then Minister of Productive Recovery, opposed to a majority stake in the group Yahoo in the video sharing platform French Dailymotion , believing dangerous to see a European nugget pass under a foreign flag, despite the possibility of an opening to the US market would have to strengthen the leading Youtube.

From the Orange has regained control of the platform while continuing to seek a partner who can open the doors to new markets. Recently, discussions with several Asian groups have been mentioned in the press, including the exclusive negotiations with the rumor Hong Kong group PCCW .

 Dailymotion And this time, it is Emmanuel Macron Economy Minister, who expressed reservations about such an agreement, indicating prefer a French or European Partnership. The Asian group seems to have taken offense and announced this Monday, April 6 to end the ongoing discussions with Orage for the purchase of 49% stake in Dailymotion.

In a statement, the PCCW Group and highlights that “ the expressed will of the French government to encourage the search for a European solution discourages participation of international companies. We decided to end our discussions with the current owners and Dailymotion .”

The group also claims that it was prepared to offer a “ World sufficient scope ” to the platform if a market where size matters to win. The Orange group is thus found more or less in the same situation in 2013 and forced to give potential collaboration under pressure from the government.

The latter, as a shareholder of the operator French, imposed in Orange not to conduct exclusive negotiations with PCCW “ before discussing with all potentially interested partners ” notes AFP. This constraint would, however, opened up discussions with several potential buyers, probably more in line with expectations.

And that is perhaps the group’s next Vivendi that we must seek the desired partner. The media group would be willing to put 250 million euros and the proposal should be evaluated by Orange Tuesday on the occasion of an exceptional board.

Vivendi is ready to redeem all of Dailymotion to integrate it into its offerings and make the platform “ a global player “. Vivendi has earned around 15 billion euros of these various assignments in recent quarters, including that of SFR Numericable group and therefore has strong financial means to carry the expansion strategy of the platform.


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