Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Multiply by 10 the decrypted genomes – Le Figaro

Ten times more sequencing genomes broadband made in France in the next five years: the objective of the plan “personalized medicine”, presented yesterday by Health Minister Marisol Touraine, is ambitious. To the extent the delay accumulated by the country in recent years, note observers welcoming the initiative. This plan will result in the gradual creation of 12 platforms for broadband in genomic sequencing technology with huge advances now allow to decode all 20,000 coding genes of a person in just a few days and for less than 1000 euros ( against $ 300 million and 10 years of work for the first genome deciphered in 2003). Budget announced investment. € 670 million, a third will come from the private sector and two thirds of the state, said Marisol Touraine

“With this plan, France is preparing to anticipated needs in the coming years, estimated at 200,000 genomes sequenced per year within 5 years, “says Professor Yves Levy, president of Inserm, author of the report used as a basis to plan. Wider access to technology will first be offered to people with rare diseases, diabetes and cancer. The first will be a chance to shorten pose a diagnosis, since they will not have to chain several specific gene searches. For others, to identify the most suitable treatment, eg avoiding their toxic ones. “Ultimately, other diseases may be involved, such as cardiovascular disease or hypertension,” illustrated Yves Lévy. This opening to patients is different from the approach taken by the United Kingdom or the United States, where sequencing is for research without necessarily back to the individual. The data collected in France may also be used by researchers.

“tragic delay”

Prof. Stanislas Lyonnet, a geneticist at the Imagine Institute Necker Sick Children Hospital (AP-HP), welcomes a project that is expected to catch up with the “tragic delay” displayed by France in terms of high-throughput sequencing. “The drop occurred in 2008-2009, when the French strategy in genomics receded medical, even as technology experienced a strong acceleration! The creation in 2013 of France Genomics, infrastructure combining existing platforms in France, tried to catch up, but it was not enough, “he analysis


“the announcement of this plan is extraordinary news,” says for his part Pr Laurence Faivre, specializing in rare diseases at CHU Dijon. “Access to high throughput sequencing is a real problem for patients. It is proposed that in two or three facilities where teams mobilized to finance the project by their management. This creates a significant imbalance in the territory. “

ambitious Project

In addition to the equipment of infrastructure (which will be linked to CHU), the project also needs to train professionals ( biostatistician, bioinformatics) and think about the education of doctors, university or training, said Yves Levy. He also proposed to enter the National Ethics Advisory Board, which has already started to think about – witness a January report. How to behave, for example, when a person’s genome tested for a rare disease also indicates a cancer risk? Should we tell him? Stanislas Lyonnet calls for these issues accompany the project without slowing. “We are no longer in one must move!” Anxious amalgams, Laurence Faivre emphasizes that these platforms are dedicated to “the sick”, not to prediction of risk among healthy well, that doctors “are not able to offer at this time. “

Some, however, question the future of a very ambitious project that needs to be carried by a strong political will, but presented at the end of five-year a few days of summer vacation, with the shadow of a political calendar turned to the presidential in September.


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