Monday, June 6, 2016

Snapchat could soon propose selfies simulating 3D –

Always popular with 150 million daily active users, Snapchat could offer new functionality very soon including 3D. After the multitude of filters added to the application to have fun with selfies, 3D could make its entry to the list of effects following the acquisition of start-up Seene.

3D selfies could land in Snapchat

Snapchat is an application to exchange messages, pictures and videos of ephemeral. The app is very popular, especially with users who are between 12 and 25 years. She knows how to renew and regularly offers new features including the many filters that can add to his selfies to make them more fun and more recently the stickers.

Snapchat bought it a few months ago Seene start-up that offers an application on iOS and Android to take and share pictures of objects, landscapes or even selfies of giving them a 3D effect. Thus applying the ghost could offer the same technology and offer users the ability to create 3D selfies directly from their smartphone without using other software.

A first step towards reality increased?

According to the site “Techcrunch” Snapchat could use this technology and the expertise of engineers Seene to invest the field of virtual reality and augmented reality. The application, however ephemeral messages did not comment on this information.

The amount of the transaction between Snapchat and Seene has not been revealed but, again according to the technology site, it would be ” low “. As for the teams Seene they could reach the premises of the app Snapchat in Los Angeles in the United States. While the application is passed to Twitter in terms of number of active users, it seeks to attract more and more users through innovative new features.


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