Monday, June 6, 2016

Protester injured: new images to load against the police – Liberation

Accuracy: We wrote by mistake that the jet of désencerclement pomegranate was the fact of a police officer working in Republican Security Company (CRS). This is in fact a police officer in the intervention group of the Paris police headquarters. CRS wear helmets with yellow edging, while their counterparts in the Paris prefecture wear helmets with blue edging. Similarly, they are gendarmes who enter the fire truck which is supported Romain D. and not of CRS. Our apologies.

Roman D., 28, in coma since May 26, the last day of mobilization against El Khomri law came out on Monday. He suffered a priori of unwanted jet désencerclement pomegranate. A criminal investigation for “voluntary violence by holding public authority” has been opened by the prosecutor.

That day, in Paris, after dissolution of the union procession, a group went to the door Vincennes. Rue du General Niessel, officers from the prefecture intervention group challenge a teenager, then fold into an adjoining garden. Hence the mini-crowd of journalists and onlookers chanting some “Free our comrade.” The boy in question smiled when a camera is filming. “The atmosphere was good child, This reflects a photographer on site. A balance of protest, journalists, bystanders, including a little old. “ And Roman, therefore, ” not really protester but observer “ highlights his family.

other officers quickly arrived as reinforcements, and one of them starts, without further formality, a désencerclement pomegranate. Apparently in the techniques required forms, that is to say in the legs, low to the ground … But certainly not the grounds required by a police circular, which plans to use it “when the forces of orders are taken in part by violent or armed groups. “

According to the first images on the Internet, we first see the pier grenade, then, in a second stage Romain lying on the ground. But on videos, one of which must be broadcast on Monday in Diary Canal + (and Libération could see), the man s’ down in the wake of the explosion of the grenade. Which would strengthen the causal link between the act of the policeman and the injury to Roman. According to the lawyer of the family, M th Hugues Bouget, he might have been hit by the trigger cap grenade.

Read also work Act: ghosts mobilizations

Asphalt Second act moments later.. According to witnesses interviewed by Libération the police again launched a tear gas canister towards passers illico being grafted around the body of Roman, lying on the asphalt. Untimely crowd, have obviously considered the police. An action contrary, again, the rules governing the use of a grenade désencerclement: “After use, it must be ensured immediately to the person’s health condition and keep it under surveillance; if necessary, a medical examination should be performed as soon as possible “

Third episode. a fire truck finally arrived on the scene. Roman is embarked on a wheelchair, bandaged face but obviously awake, even smiling to reassure his relatives. Two gendarmes Harnessed and helmeted then boarded. A witness says a third policeman carrying a briefcase of survival would have slipped into the truck.

Impatience. The following is told by two other eyewitnesses, Paul and Mary (1). Shortly after starting, the messenger of the firemen station a few hundred meters further on with another vehicle, better healthcare, will take charge Romain. “The light entering healthy in the fire truck, we found odd that two policemen are engulfed. So we followed him. “ Then they say they saw through a side window, ” two helmeted gendarmes look into it, “ the remaining service fireman “recessed” of the cab. Our witnesses were able to observe directly the body of Roman, only two policemen. But they claim that “their actions were violent to the point to move the van.” First Aid, intimidation? In a last phone call to relatives from the fire truck ( Libération had access to the audio tape) just means Romain screaming his pain.

These facts merit impartial investigation. But the procedure did not take, for now, the way. Since the opening of an administrative investigation by the IGPN (Font font), coupled with a preliminary investigation by the Paris prosecutor, the police officer who issued the initial grenade has not been summoned – he will be interviewed this week. M th Bouget, he does not hide his impatience to see appointed an investigating judge: “It would be a strong gesture to do it quickly, so to demonstrate that the investigation will to transparently and independently, as the authorities are committed to, at the highest level, to the family. “

(1) the first names have been changed.

Renaud Lecadre


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