Thursday, October 22, 2015

Facebook boosts its search engine to better compete with Google – 01net

With two trillion public posts and 1.5 billion searches a day on Facebook, the steamroller Mark Zuckerberg has become a network of research and dissemination of information in itself. And it’s not about to stop! With the new search system Search Facebook , it is now possible to find everything related to a given topic on Facebook. Yesterday, the result of a query in the search bar renseignait on a specific account or a post. Today, research is done on all the public content on the network.

Facebook knows everything and informed

Let’s take an example. Looking for information about a music band. By typing its name into the search bar, is the official page of suggested away, then any public statement items massively or official sources. What follows all user posts, sorted by date or relevance and that, whatever their nature.

Through this evolution of the engine, it is even possible to find public conversations within which a link is massively shared and participate. With one click. And of course, it seems that the search engine is able to deliver results more relevant based on the habits of consultation and preferred sources by the user. As for mechanisms to Facebook to targeted advertising, they would not change for the moment, despite the introduction of this powerful search engine capable of analyzing the behavior of Internet users on social network pages.

A few months were enough to break

In May, Facebook had already tried a few experiments in this area and finally managed to index all the public content contained within its pages . What facilitate the work of algorithms and other search robots to instantly find the entered keywords. “ We have indexed and indexons conversations [public] the world so we can tell you what topics are most popular, what are the latest news, in short, everything that is happening, right now. “Rousseau says Kazi, a team project manager working to improve the search engine site Facebook The Verge .

Facebook –

With this feature, it now seems clear that Facebook’s will to a foot (to start) on beds of Google. Search results sorted by relevance and adapting to your previous browsing behavior, with the option to search through all the content related to the account page … just as does Google when you allow it to aggregate is on your calendar, your Google+ etc. Except that no question of permission! Facebook methodically scans and lists all you have decided to publicly share with the network. On your own.

Twitter is, somehow, not spared since the will is to allow Facebook users to follow minute by minute all is said and happening on the social network and therefore, by extension, on the Web, with a simple search.

For now, this service is only available on US accounts, viewed from an iPhone, Android device or a single computer. Facebook however, should not immediately deploy the tool on its entire Web, its network.


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