Saturday, October 17, 2015

Wildcats shot: the response of Australia to Brigitte Bardot – TF1

Praising “commitment” of French actress to “animals and their welfare,” the Australian government representative explained that the Australia “is the land of more than 500,000 species, most of which are found nowhere else in the world. Our animals and our plants define us as a nation, so when we lose them, we lose a part of what makes us a country. ” He continues: “Our fauna and flora is our having undergone the highest extinction rates We lost 29 species of mammal in 200 years, representing over 35% of extinctions of mammals in the world.”.

“Wild cats kill an average of five animals every night”

The cause of most of these disappearances? Wild cats, particularly responsible for the extinction of marsupials like the desert bandicoot or small Bilbi. “We do not want to lose similar species. It is in this sense that the Australian government has taken a position on wild cats,” adds Gregory Andrews says that “today, feral cats kill an average of all five animals nights”. He recalled that the slaughter measures do not affect domestic cats and “reduce the number of feral cats” is only one measure among many.

The Commissioner finally claims to have the backing of major NGOs in Australia, such as the RSPCA Australia, animal protection association, the World Wildlife Fund and the Nature Conservancy . “We have and will continue to consult throughout the process community”, in collaboration with scientists, environmentalists, representatives of the federal and territorial governments. A response that did not convince the Bardot Foundation. “The number of cats must be reduced, and the best way is not a slaughter but sterilization campaign. It works anywhere in the world, why not in Australia?” Asks Christophe Marie, spokesperson, in 20 Minutes .

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