Mike Colter is Luke Cage in the series of the same name by Netflix – Netflix / Marvel

Finally binge-watcher Stranger Things on a flight from Paris to Los Angeles ? This is now possible. On Wednesday, Netflix announced the launch of an offline mode that allows you to download certain content – without additional cost – to at a later time, even without Internet connection, as proposed already Amazon. Unfortunately, only a handful of titles is for the moment concerned. The rest should follow as the rights will be negotiated.

to be able To download a movie or a series, it is necessary to update the app for iOS/Android. Then, for the titles available, identifiable by a small arrow in ” download “, the subscriber can choose between a low and a high resolution. According to Gizmodo, the size may vary, but it takes about 280 Mb and 440 Mb for a 60 minutes episode of Black Mirror.

in Addition to Stranger Things, Netflix offers Orange is The New Black, Narcos, Luke Cage and The Crown side content home. For the rest, it is very random : there is Peppa Pig, Breaking Bad, Mad Men, Kung Fu Panda 3, Pulp Fiction and Nightcrawler, in particular, according to The Verge. “Netflix is working at the global level, with many of its partners to ensure the download rights for the bulk of the content offered by the platform, said a spokesman to AFP.

What can we do with the files ? The watch via the app Netflix, and that is all. It is impossible to open with another program, or copy them to give to grandma. The company has not given any details, but it uses in all likelihood a system of digital locks (DRM, Digital right management), as to the great era of iTunes. The viewing window varies for each title : for some films, it is limited to 48 hours.

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