The emoji fishing very much used for sexting will regain its sensuous form after the coup of mouth of the internet users. – Unicode Consortium/YouTude

We could see a little heart, a juicy fruit or a nice pair of buttocks… While in early November, the replacement of the émoji fishing with a new version had raised a revolt on the social networks, Apple seems to have heard the voice of the people.

sexting have lost the fishing…

Problem : the emoji, which looked strong in its previous version to a pair of buttocks, was taken with the update on iPhone, iPad or iPod touch to the attire much more pudibonds… and realistic. And the fans of sexting, being deprived of one of their symbols favorite, had shared on Twitter their disappointment.

And the #pêchegate has borne fruit. Obviously, the pressure worked. Apple has released a third version of the beta iOS 10.2 where the fishing version of sexy is back. More realistic, no doubt, but still so evocative…

” Thank you, my God, their voices have been heard, “

good news for many Tweeters.

Thus, Kayla was delighted to be able to update her phone to find her emoji-fishing-butt.

Who did not hesitate to make a mockery of this battle of bottom won.

And this user is welcome : Don’t tell me that protests don’t work. People criticized Apple, which has tried to amochir the émoji fishing and thank God, their voices have been heard ! “

Facepalm, hijab, growing… check out the new émojis

Prudishness ?

Because if one may ask, if apple had evidence of prudishness, according to The Guardian, this was only an error of judgment. According to the website, ” the redesign has affected almost all of the emoji on the platform of Apple, with a surge in general far from the style cartoony, exaggerated origins to a style of art more realistic, in particular for objects and animals. “

Where the movement will stop ? Because the fishing sensual is not the first to be censor. In 2015, the social networks were moved by the disappearance on Instagram of the émoji eggplant…. too similar to a penis.

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