Life on Earth could be wiped out in a few months if a large asteroid were to hit the surface of our planet. Faced with this scenario likely time scale, the NASA and the European Space Agency will launch a joint project allowing the land to arm ships suicide bombers to protect us from this threat .
Suicide bombers vessels to deflect the asteroid trajectory
The theory is quite simple. It would be enough to send an unmanned spacecraft to encounter dangerous asteroid. The high-speed impact would change the trajectory of the asteroid thus saving the earth. Practice in turn will be much more complex and require a test on an asteroid to validate because for the moment we do not know how exactly might react to such an asteroid impact. However, it will be years before the first test to see happen. The program provides an experience in 2022 on the asteroid that rotates like a moon around the Didymos asteroid dubbed “Didymoon”. It is 170 m wide.
The crash test the most expensive in history
The two agencies have agreed that the European Space Agency in 2020 sent a voyeur probe scrutinize and analyze “Didymoon” closely. 2022 NASA will launch its Kamikaze ship that point to the small asteroid and once in the line of sight, speed up to 21 600 km / h to come full force the asteroid hit. The European probe will be ringside to watch the show and especially to assess the impact that the crash will affect the trajectory of the asteroid. The European probe was humorously called AIM (aim) for Asteroid Impact mission as the US ship will be named DART (dart) for Double Asteroid Redirection Test. A kind of spatial dart game
Photo credits. Youtube
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