Wednesday, April 8, 2015

T411 Book 7 ways around the block – Actualitté.com

In the viewfinder of the entertainment industry, T411 publishes for its members a guide on how to bypass the blockage that French operators should set up


class=”autobr” The news came last Friday. In a statement, the Civil Society of Phonogram Producers (SCPP) reported that the High Court of Paris ordered the major Internet service providers (Orange, Free, SFR, and Bouygues Telecom) to block Access to T411, which is one of the most popular BitTorrent tracker sites in France.

class=”autobr” In the judgment, it is required operators to keep their subscribers to access the service within fifteen days, by implementing “ all appropriate measures to prevent access from French territory ” and “ including the domain name blocking . ” However, the decision is already at odds with reality, since the site uses a new domain name for two months.

class=”autobr” It will probably not long before the SCPP fixes it, as long as the current address of T411 is not taken into account, blocking claimed by the record industry will have no real impact on the habits of the French members of the site BitTorrent links. And it is precisely in anticipation of this day that T411 diffuse an educational guide to circumvent blocking operators.

class=”autobr” In all, seven are advanced solutions. Detailed explanations are given in an article published on Zerobin:

  • Add DNS server addresses in addition to the default (that of Google, OpenDNS, etc.) in the parameter your network connection
  • Use webproxy
  • Use a proxy server
  • Use a VPN
  • Use a VPS;
  • Edit the hosts file (it is a file in the computer that DNS server, that is to say, he used to associate host names to IP addresses).
  • change ISP

class=”autobr” For the latter, it should be noted that the requested block by the SCPP in fact concerns the four largest Internet service providers, who focus on their networks the vast majority of French Internet users. The other, from Numericable associative operators are ignored

class=”autobr” (photo: CC BY zigazou76).


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