Friday, October 16, 2015

Kepler he detected “Megastructures aliens” around a star? – Eco News .com



The observation using the Kepler space telescope from a distant star, named KIC 8462852, currently attracting great excitement within the scientific community. Abnormal brightness variations, the explanation of which is not yet known, could indeed be a sign of an exceptional natural phenomenon or, even more fascinating, artificial mega-structure of extraterrestrial origin.

The shooting star and alien megastructure

Located nearly 1,500 light-years from Earth, the star KIC 8462852 was spotted by astronomy enthusiasts taking part in the observation program “Planet Hunters”. It is characterized by very large brightness variations, which do not match any known phenomenon to date. Alerted by this group of amateur astronomers, scientists have immediately pointed the Kepler telescope on the star in question, only to find that these in turn changes in brightness are too irregular to be due to the passage of an exoplanet front of the star .

Tabetha Boyajian, one of the students of Yale University who first saw the phenomenon, has just submitted to the journal Astronomy Monthly Notices of Royal Astronomical Society a study detailing this observation . She said the main natural assumptions are already excluded, whether from a particle cloud obscuring the brightness of the star or asteroid collisions.

enthusiasts science fiction considering more surprising explanation, seeing an extraterrestrial mega-structure. To explain the reduced brightness of the star, they evoke a “Dyson sphere,” an artificial shell surrounding the star to capture its energy and power a space colony. Popularized by the American physicist Freeman Dyson in 1960, this concept since the days of science fiction literature. For researchers, the extraterrestrial thesis is still far from being validated. The most plausible theory refers to a cluster of comets trajectory modified by another nearby star. The SETI provides a comprehensive study of the mysterious planet in 2016, to see if it is a possible sign of extraterrestrial civilization.

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