Google is decidedly opposed to the policy of anti-immigration of Donald Trump.
The decree signed by Donald Trump on Friday, which prohibited the arrival of refugees for 120 days as well as that of citizens of 7 muslim-majority countries for 90 days, elicited a rain of reactions among the giants of the net.
Google was among the first to react. “It is painful to see the personal cost of this order on your colleagues,” wrote Sundar Pichai, president and CEO of the firm from Mountain View, to its employees. “We have always publicly expressed our opinion on the issues of immigration and will continue to do so “.
in addition, Google has also created a fund of 4 million dollars to fight the decree. The sum will be distributed between the Union and american civil liberties (ACLU), the legal aid Centre for immigrants (ILRC), the International Rescue Committee (IRC) and the High Commissioner united Nations for refugees (UNHR).
The firm often uses the logo of its search engine in order to pass messages or commemorate events.
And on Monday, the United States, the logo of Google made a tribute to Fred Korematsu. On 30 January, the latter would have been 98 years old.
In France, we do not speak of him in the history books. But to US, his name recalls what Fortune magazine describes as ” historical injustice “.
In essence, while the USA were fighting the Japanese, Franklin Roosevelt signed an “executive order” for the relocation of persons of japanese ancestry. Fred Korematsu was part of the american citizens affected by this decree.
This last, however, has decided to appeal and the case came to the supreme court of the United States, but he lost. Finally, Fred Korematsu was locked up in a camp with his family until 1945.
” The Doodle artist Sophie Diao (itself a child of asian immigrants) shows a portrait patriotic Korematsu wearing the presidential Medal of freedom, a scene of internment camps to his back, surrounded by cherry blossoms, flowers have become symbols of peace and friendship between the United States and Japan “, says Google.
Although the executive order Trump is not explicitly mentioned, it is clearly a Doodle committed.
Otherwise, this weekend, it was also possible to see Sergei Brin, one of the co-founders of Google, to protest against the political anti-immigration Trump of San Francisco.
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